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Batch file to move files (less than total size) from A to B
I just thought of another question....
@everyone else
Guys and gals, let's wrap this one up. Anything more we can do?
If limited to less than 2 GB to be moved, probably best to use highend01 method, one-double-click. Easy peasy.
If more than 2 GB, 4wd has a terrific approach, just requiring a few more steps.
Sure, add the stuff from the stackoverflow link. Done.
If more than 2 GB, 4wd has a terrific approach, just requiring a few more steps.-nkormanik (April 09, 2019, 07:51 PM)
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By "few more steps" you mean:
1. Move shortcut from Send To to Desktop
2. Double-Click to run
Technically, that's only a couple more steps and only applies the first time.
There were simple changes you could have easily made yourself.
Anything more we can do?
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