Or just use autohotkey's own hottext command
If you have autohotkey installed, put this in a text file called "myautotexts.ahk" and run it.
Then, whenever you type "teh" it will get replaced with "the".
If you type "waz" then it will be automatically replaced with "Whaaaaazzzzzuuuupppppp!!!?????"
(in fact, even as I typed those just now they were getting replaced; I had to go correct them above)
My most favourite of all is using "etest".
::etest::THIS IS A TEST OF THE EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM.`rREPEAT: THIS IS ONLY A TEST.`rIf this had been an actual emergency, the Attention Signal you just heard would have been followed by official information, news or instructions.
::/cs::/msg chanserv