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Path settings ?


Hello Mouser,

Where can I set the default path to files like logfile and .ini settings ?
After installation on a PC that is on a network, and has its userprofile on a server,
The program complaints about missing rights for creating files on that server....

Best regards

Just went a bit deeper.
Seems the app does not have rights to create directories.
Once the directories are in place, creating the files is no issue.
So, that way, I got it to run.

Would be nice though to be able to customize the path....

For the rest, just a very nice and pleasant small program.

Best regards

Hi Mohkraats.

I'm glad it's useful to you.

In general with my apps, you can either download the portable version and put it where you want, or use the setup version which should use default MyDocuments folders.

And it should be able to create its own folders in those places.

In unusual cases where the default locations have permissions that don't allow the program to write to them, the best solution is to edit the configdir.ini file in the program directory; my apps check that and it will let you set a custom directory where files should be saved.

That will do the trick.

Keep on coding



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