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some useful but less-known software. share your list!!!

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11½ years ago I tried something similar: "Your most used SPECIAL programs"
-not unknown programs, but different / obscure / special ones.
-Curt (January 30, 2019, 05:06 PM)
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thx for the link, it helps me a lot. :Thmbsup:
well, 11½ years ago i'm still in my junior middle school ;D. since time pass by, people must got more great softwares and have more experience. So maybe we can get some new stuff here.

this could be a new topic, but i just want to post it here.
i always love this kind of software:sort or run files based on type.

the reason i come back to this is that i found these(from wr975 #5 build-in config) two(skwire. needs config) topic.
we know a great soft from lifehacker Belvedere, but have you ever heard about clipboardmonitor from Germany? its not a clipboard manager, it just figure out ur clipboard with email,url,files path, just look at the demo below.

if you are a TC user you may familar with this kind of software, F4MiniMenu(AHK), ChoiceEditor, Open File shell for TC, Edit Redirector(my option) and F4Menu...can enhance the F4 on TC.

while clipboardmonitor is too simple and a little buggy on my windows 10. you may try...

Candy a great great and great handy software from China.written in AHK. it is a kind of difficult to use but really powerful!! it can make any different format files open in different you own configured menu. it is much better than clipboardmonitor when deal with text content.

Since Candy is difficult to use, there are many software based on Candy, i only mention RunAny here. easy to use. you can see several demo gifs there.

so, there are many great software all over the world but don't know by people in other countries. to share with others is the only solution.

The MassiGra software does not seem to have an option to change the language to English. That makes the software much harder to use for users that are not familiar with the Japanese language. I assume it is Japanese, because the download file is hosted on a Japanese server.

The MassiGra software does not seem to have an option to change the language to English. That makes the software much harder to use for users that are not familiar with the Japanese language. I assume it is Japanese, because the download file is hosted on a Japanese server.
-Shades (January 30, 2019, 10:43 PM)
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yes! it is officially Japanese language support only. I guess that's the reason why it is less-known in other countries :D

SpeQ Mathematics
this may help you when your high school child ask you a mathematics question :D.

WICLEANUP(download link only)
cleaning up the leftover installer files in c:\Windows\Installer. I need to tell you that you must be careful when you use it :huh:!!!

Reso Deleted!!
another small size portable software from Bcheck. running an app at different resolution. maybe it can help when you run a windows2000 soft on windows 10. Don't use it, it will set other app's window to the same resolution (eg. ClipboardHelpAndSpell will broken)

Link Snack from DC!!
any RocketDock funs here? have you ever get an error message "The operating system denied access to the specified file." and fail to launch some shortcuts? then try this it should be work! i tried several ways to create shortcuts(hard links,synbolic links...but none of them can solve RocketDock's this bug) Link Snack is the only solution i found.

VirtualReg Managerand a very good website
it creates and edits virtual registry files in XML format. I don't know whether this soft is useful, but im wondering if it is possible to covert the xml to reg files. then we can use this soft as test or backup and import it to the real regedit.



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