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some useful but less-known software. share your list!!!
V - the file viewer
V is an all-purpose File Manager for Windows with a powerful inbuilt text file viewer which excels at viewing files quickly - whether they are 100 bytes or 100 gigabytes.
It is an indispensable utility for anyone who spends much time navigating directories and viewing files.
Tabbed File Manager with Dual Pane interface
Powerful text and hex file viewer (views large files quickly)
Support for CSV files
Search/GREP functionality
EBCDIC support
Unicode support
Extensive Command Line support and keyboard shortcuts
Thumbnails mode
Greenbar mode
2UP printing
Support for ZIP, CAB, TAR, RAR, GZip, BZip2 and 7Zip archives
Support for Alternate Data Streams and 4DOS descriptions
Bioinformatics/DNA search (experimental)
Spanish, French, Italian and Russian translations available
--- End quote ---
If you ever yearned for a WinGUI equivalent of Vern Buerg's famous program, a must-have on DOS, this is it. While searching for articles on List I stumbled on ZBLIST, a Replacement for Vern (Vernon) Buerg's DOS utility, LIST.COM, for 32-bit and 64-bit Computers, console mode and all.
Text Monkey
Text Monkey PRO is a fast, versatile utility that extends every Windows program you use. Text Monkey has dozens of useful text processing functions that were designed to save you time and effort on all types of editing tasks. Because Text Monkey operates on text while it resides on the Windows clipboard, it extends the functionality of every program you use.
The list that follows is a comprehensive list of Text Monkey PRO's features and functions:
SpoilerEmail Cleanup
Sense when quoted email text is copied to the clipboard and clean automatically, or upon confirmation †
Sense and remove email quoting symbols, including those with prefix strings such as "Joe>" †
Set email quoting symbols
Delete extra spaces and blank lines †
Sense and preserve formatting of lines that appear not to be flowing text †
Convert line breaks to space † -or-
Reformat line breaks to user-defined paragraph width
Web Document Cleanup
Delete HTML tags
Decode named and numbered HTML character constants, such as """ or """
Delete extra blank lines (ie, reduce two or more blank lines to one blank line)
Delete leading spaces and tabs
Convert line breaks to spaces
Space Operations
Delete leading spaces and tabs
Delete trailing spaces and tabs
Reduce space runs to one space
Apply one space after sentence enders
Apply two spaces after sentence enders
Line Operations
Delete extra blank lines (ie, reduce two or more blank lines to one blank line)
Delete all blank lines
Delete duplicate lines
Delete lines that contain user-specified text
Delete lines that do not contain user-specified text
Indent Operations
Indent all lines with one space †
Indent all lines with one tab
Indent all lines with user-specified text
Unindent all lines by one character †
Unindent all (remove all leading spaces and tabs)
Case Operations
Convert to uppercase †
Convert to lowercase †
Capitalize each word
Capitalize each sentence
Swap case of each character
HTML Operations
Delete HTML tags
Decode named characters such as """
Decode numbered characters such as """
Convert text to HTML document
Apply all relevant tags to make a legal HTML document
Option to retain line breaks, or convert line breaks to spaces
Encode sensitive characters to HTML character constants
Encode text to &#nnn; sequences (can be useful to obfuscate email addresses that are to be posted on a website and reduce spam harvesting)
Sort Operations
Sort lines alphabetically, numerically or according to line length
Designate the column on which sort comparison should occur
Case sensitive or insensitive
Ascending, descending or random order
Sort according to ANSI value or Locale sort table (for proper handling of accented characters)
Auto-Number Operations
Set starting number
Set numbering increment
Set trailing symbol, if any
Set trailing spaces, if any
Set leading zero, if any
Number using digits, or roman numerals
Left justified or right justified
Tabs to spaces
Spaces to tabs
Set tab display value
Strip Operations
Strip low ASCII characters
Strip high ASCII characters
Strip OEM graphics (line drawing) characters
Convert OEM graphics (line drawing) characters to +, - and |
Strip user-specified characters
Replace Operations
Designate up to four search and replace string pairs
Case sensitive or insensitive
Miscellaneous Operations
Compute total, average, median, mode and standard deviation
Count characters, words and lines
Count occurrences of a user-specified text string
Convert text to hex dump format (useful to examining character values)
Convert normal text to "Teen Text," as is common in chat environments
Convert normal text to "Crazy Text," using alternative but readable substitutes for most characters
Clipboard Viewer / Editor
Examine clipboard content in a resizeable editor window †
Set clipboard viewer display font
Undo allows previous clipboard content to be restored †
View in browser makes it easy to preview clipboard content in a web browser
Save clipboard text to a file
Visual wrap options allows long lines to wrap to window width †
† These features are also found in Text Monkey Lite, a free, feature-reduced version of Text Monkey.
--- End quote ---
Gone from the Web. Original URL was (try Wayback Machine). I attached a copy of Clippy to this 2011 post - Re: rename pdf files
Abbreviated feature list:
- Remove leading email quote characters
- Re-align email quote characters
- Strip HTML
- Count characters, words and lines
- Reformat paragraphs
- plus more operations...
- Define new "clippers" by grouping one or more operations together
- System tray icon
- Single-click execution of the default clipper
Full feature list:
SpoilerName: Align center
Description: Centers the lines of all paragraphs. The left and right
+margins specify where a line begins and ends.
Number in ini file: 0
Parameters: left margin, right margin
Name: Align fill
Description: The lines of all paragraphs are left and right flushed.
The left and right margins specify where a line begins and ends.
Number in ini file: 1
Parameters: left margin, right margin
Name: Align left
Description: The lines of all paragraphs are left-flushed. The left and
right margins specify where a line begins and ends.
Number in ini file: 2
Parameters: left margin, right margin
Name: Align quote
Description: Vertically aligns email quote symbols.
Number in ini file: 3
Parameters: left margin, right margin, quote
Name: Align right
Description: The lines of all paragraphs are right-flushed. The left
and right margins specify where a line begins and ends.
Number in ini file: 4
Parameters: left margin, right margin
Name: Case capitalise
Description: Capitalises the first character of every word.
Number in ini file: 5
Name: Case invert
Description: Inverts the case of every alphabetical character.
Number in ini file: 6
Name: Case lower
Description: Changes every alphabetical character to lower case.
Number in ini file: 7
Name: Case upper
Description: Changes every alphabetical character to upper case.
Number in ini file: 8
Name: Count of characters
Description: Displays the number of non-space and -tab characters.
Number in ini file: 9
Name: Count of lines
Description: Displays the number of lines, including blank lines
Number in ini file: 10
Name: Count of words
Description: Displays the number of words.
Number in ini file: 11
Name: Convert all spaces to tabs
Description: Converts a sequence of spaces to tabs The number of
contiguous spaces is specified in the tab width setting.
Number in ini file: 12
Parameters: tab width
Name: Convert leading spaces to tabs
Description: Converts a sequence of leading spaces to tabs The number
of contiguous spaces is specified in the tab width setting.
Number in ini file: 13
Parameters: tab width
Name: Convert tabs to spaces
Description: Converts tabs to spaces The number of spaces is specified
in the tab width setting.
Number in ini file: 14
Parameters: tab width
Name: Quote
Description: Add characters to the start of each line, and optionally
to the end of each line.
Number in ini file: 29
Parameters: quote, append
Name: Remove blank lines
Description: Removes lines that don't have any characters Spaces and
tabs are counted as characters.
Number in ini file: 15
Name: Remove duplicate lines
Description: Removes adjacent lines that are exactly identical Spaces
and tabs are included in the comparisons.
Number in ini file: 16
Name: Remove line
Description: Remove the line at the specified line number or containing
the specified search text. One or both parameters may be specified.
Number in ini file: 30
Parameters: number, search
Name: Remove line breaks
Description: Joins the lines in a paragraph to form a single, long line.
Number in ini file: 17
Name: Strip HTML
Description: Removes all HTML markup tags Only the following character
entities are converted: & && &" &' &> &<
Number in ini file: 18
Name: Trim leading spaces
Description: Removes all space and tab characters at the beginning of
every line.
Number in ini file: 19
Name: Trim trailing spaces
Description: Removes all space and tab characters at the end of every
Number in ini file: 20
Name: Unquote
Description: Removes all email quote symbols from the beginning of every
Number in ini file: 21
Parameters: quote
Name: Remove duplicate blank lines
Description: Removes adjacent lines that don't have any characters
Spaces and tabs are counted as characters.
Number in ini file: 22
Name: Convert DOS to Unix
Description: Converts CRLF linebreaks to LF.
Number in ini file: 23
Name: Convert Unix to DOS
Description: Converts LF linebreaks to CRLF.
Number in ini file: 24
Name: Delete to end-of-line from column
Description: Removes all characters to the end of the line from the
specified column.
Number in ini file: 25
Parameters: column position
Name: Delete to end-of-line from string
Description: Removes all characters to the end of the line from the
specified string. The string is also removed
Number in ini file: 26
Parameters: search string
Name: Sort lines
Description: Sorts all the lines in lexical order.
Number in ini file: 27
Parameters: ascending
Name: Search and replace
Description: Replaces all occurrences of a string with another string.
Number in ini file: 28
Parameters: search string, replace string
Name: Quote
Default value: >
Possible values: a single character
Number in ini file: 0
Name: Left margin
Default value: 0
Possible values: 0 to right margin value
Number in ini file: 1
Name: Right margin
Default value: 72
Possible values: left margin value to 16384
Number in ini file: 2
Name: Tab width
Default value: 4
Possible values: 1 to 80
Number in ini file: 3
Name: Ascending
Default value: true
Possible values: true or false
Number in ini file: 4
Name: Search
Default value:
Possible values: 0 to 256 characters
Number in ini file: 5
Name: Replace
Default value:
Possible values: 0 to 256 characters
Number in ini file: 6
Name: Position
Default value: 72
Possible values: 0 to 16384
Number in ini file: 7
Name: Number
Default value: 0
Possible values: 0 to a lot
Number in ini file: 8
Name: Append
Default value:
Possible values: 0 to 128 characters
Number in ini file: 9
--- End quote ---
I specially liked Clippy's ability to group operations togther into a single one, triggered by one click.
Truth to tell, both Text Monkey and Clippy are probably of less value than formerly, now good clipboard managers such as ArsClip and Mouser's own Clipboard Help+Spell that you run anyway have a lot of this functionality built-in, albeit not necessarily available as smoothly.
nighthawk - A stealthy, simple, unobtrusive music player that stays out of your way:
Porg (formerly known as paco), is a program to aid management of software packages installed from source code. After the installation of such packages, one is usually left with having no idea of what it was installed and where it all went, making it difficult to uninstall the package in the future. Porg was written to solve this problem in a quite simple fashion (Linux):
Fyi -Find your documents in 3 clicks or less:
FlashBoot is a tool which can save your time. Create an installable clone of Windows 7/8.x/10 (including all your apps and data) on the USB thumbdrive/HDD and instantly transfer your entire OS to another computer, even with dissimilar hardware: FlashBoot supports driver integration and comes with a large set of prepackaged drivers:
wufuc - Disables the "Unsupported Hardware" message in Windows Update, and allows you to continue installing updates on Windows 7 and 8.1 systems with Intel Kaby Lake, AMD Ryzen, or other unsupported processors:
Oni is a new kind of editor, focused on maximizing productivity - combining modal editing with features you expect in modern editors. Oni is built with neovim, and inspired by VSCode, Atom, LightTable, and Emacs:
pmiab (Poor Man's Internet Ad Blocker) is a simple bash script that blocks ads and other unwanted nasty stuff and makes surfing the ocean of Internet faster, better and safer experience (Linux):
Q-Dir is a great alternative file manager for Windows with a amazing Quadro-View technique:
Textosaurus is simple cross-platform UTF-8 text editor based on Qt and Scintilla. Textosaurus aims to provide similar workflow as Notepad++ does:
Fopnu is a new and powerful P2P file sharing system:
If you work with multiple monitors sometimes you'll want to focus on the primary one. And hey, that's just what Dimmy does:
BigType is a lightweight and portable freeware which will enlarge all the characters you type in real-time. It is the perfect tool for reducing eye strain, and for visually impaired people:
Tron is a script that "fights for the User." It's basically a glorified collection of Windows batch files that automate a bunch of scanning/disinfection/cleanup tools:
Morty rewrites web pages to exclude malicious HTML tags and attributes. It also replaces external resource references to prevent third party information leaks:
WebRelay - A netcat-like utility for windows for transferring files and streams over HTTP with support for relaying through a remote host (via websocket), a webclient, and a shell extension:
FreeTube is an open source desktop YouTube player built with privacy in mind. Use YouTube without advertisements and prevent Google tracking from you with their cookies and JavaScript:
AppBandit is a desktop-based, web security proxy, designed to help you debug and find security vulnerabilities easily with the help of our extensive security toolkit:
syshardener - Windows OS security application that allows you to harden Windows settings to mitigate cybersecurity threats. With this tool you can restrict functionalities of Windows and secure vulnerable applications (i.e Office and Adobe Reader). You can unassociate VBS, VBE, JS, JSE, WSH file type associations, disable JavaScript on Adobe Reader, disable Macros, OLE and ActiveX on Office, disable unused Windows Services, block outbound connections of specific programs via Windows Firewall, and much more:
Cargo is a browser for people that live on the internet and hate mice. Cargo can be controlled using only a few keyboard shortcuts:
qutebrowser is a keyboard-focused browser with a minimal GUI:
Amplitude.js is the HTML5 Audio Player for the modern era:
Left is a distractionless writing tool with auto-complete, synonyms, writing statistics, markup navigation and a speed-reader:
Spamnesty is a way to waste spammers' time. If you get a spam email, simply forward it to [email protected], and Spamnesty will strip your email address, pretend it's a real person and reply to the email:
Windows Secure Backdoor was made to extend the default Windows remote monitoring tools or RAT programs behavior, allowing you to monitor inbound and outgoing connections both from NIDS program and secure backdoor:
MindForger is human mind inspired personal knowledge management tool (Linux):
SynWrite combines great ideas from many well known editors into a single, freely available product. It's a complete environment for Web workers, coders and writers:
Inox patchset is applied on the chromium source code and tries to prevent data transmission to Google to get a minimal Chromium based browser:
ungoogled-chromium is Google Chromium, sans integration with Google. It also features some tweaks to enhance privacy, control, and transparency (almost all of which require manual activation or enabling): (February 06, 2019, 11:18 AM)
--- End quote ---
Or you could just use Iridium - Iridium/Chromium differences
Zim is a graphical text editor used to maintain a collection of wiki pages:
Leo is a PIM, IDE and outliner that accelerates the work flow of programmers, authors and web designers:
ghostwriter - A distraction-free Markdown editor:
Text Editor Anywhere allows you to edit text anywhere with your favorite text editor:
Text Editor Pro - Powerful text editing tool with syntax highlighting support for programming languages and scripts, multi-caret and synchronized editing, code/text folding, over 100 options for customizing, over 100 ready made skins, unicode character map, numerical unit convert tool, text compare, JSON/SQL/XML formatter, and support for multiple directories and search results:
Not a software, but a full OS:
KolibriOS is a tiny yet incredibly powerful and fast operating system. This power requires only a few megabyte disk space and 8MB of RAM to run. Kolibri features a rich set of applications that include word processor, image viewer, graphical editor, web browser and well over 30 exciting games. Full FAT12/16/32 support is implemented, as well as read-only support for NTFS, ISO9660 and Ext2/3/4:
Advanced Chrome - Chrome fork:
Cent browser:
Braina free is an intelligent personal assistant, human language interface, automation and voice recognition software for Windows PC. Braina is a multi-functional AI software that allows you to interact with your computer using voice commands in most of the languages of the world. Braina also allows you to accurately convert speech to text in over 100 different languages of the world:
LinK is a networking agent that will let multiple hosts share a virtual IP. It chooses which host must bind this IP and inform other members of the network of the host owning this IP:
NimbleText is a text manipulation and code generation tool available online or as a free download. It magnifies your ability to perform incredible feats of text and data wrangling:
Carnac - Keyboard Utility:
Packet Sender - Award-winning free utility to send & receive network packets. TCP, UDP, SSL:
Fusion is the world’s most advanced compositing software for visual effects artists, broadcast and motion graphic designers, and 3D animators:
KA Lite is open-source software that mimics the online experience of Khan Academy for offline situations:
Bochs is a highly portable open source IA-32 (x86) PC emulator written in C++, that runs on most popular platforms:
RetroZilla - A fork of Gecko 1.8.1 to improve support for the modern web in older versions of Windows:
Netsurf browser:
SpyStudio shows and interprets calls, displaying the results in a structured way which is easy for any IT professional to understand. SpyStudio can show registry keys and files that an application uses, COM objects and Windows the application has created, and errors and exceptions:
OnionShare is an open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously share a file of any size:
Boxstarter - Repeatable, reboot resilient windows environment installations made easy using Chocolatey packages:
Scoop is a command-line installer for Windows:
Roundcube webmail is a browser-based multilingual IMAP client with an application-like user interface. It provides full functionality you expect from an email client, including MIME support, address book, folder manipulation, message searching and spell checking:
Linux software:
slap is a Sublime-like terminal-based text editor that strives to make editing from the terminal easier:
krill fried_shrimp filters feeds. It is not picky about its diet, and will happily consume RSS, Atom, CDF and even Twitter:
Mutate - A simple launcher inspired by Alfred:
Buku - Browser-independent bookmark manager:
OrbitalApps - portable apps:
Cypht is like a news reader, but for E-mail:
Pollen - the book is a program:
surf is a simple web browser based on WebKit2/GTK+:
Cowrie is a medium interaction SSH and Telnet honeypot designed to log brute force attacks and the shell interaction performed by the attacker:
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