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Wish: NumberComparer tool to compare two list of words and export differences

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I need a tool to compare list of strings (numbers and chars).

Maybe someone is interested?  ;)  :Thmbsup:


--- ---List A | List B | Result 'C'|
123DF..|.123df..| In Both...|
123X...|........| In A......|
.......|.133X...| In B only.|
___....|.444....| In B .....|
x456...|.X456...| In Both...|
789....|.___....| In A......|
___....|.888....| In B......|
___4___|__5_____| A:2 / B:3 / C:2|

Wanted features:
- Standalone, portable EXE plus INI for Win7 and newer
- Whole line comparing, do not compare inside string (123X and 133X are completely different)
- Working with lists with ~150.000 entries,  maybe 10 to 15 sign long each entry
- Show amount of entries in status bar for A and B column, maybe for Result too?
- Result column features: in A only / in B only / in both A and B (Doubles) / in A or B unique (in A only + in B only = together)
- Sort the result column
- Filter the result column
- Export the result column (copy to clip, or export to current working dir,.... maybe the folder from List A)
- Command line option: provide both list as path (NumbComp.exe C:\Temp\ListA.txt C:\Temp\ListB.txt)
- Drag&Drop lists to the GUI

- Maybe possibility to remove duplicated entries (without sorting) from  List A and from List B
- Maybe export unique entries from both list together (merged A+B+Both, remove duplicates)
- Maybe automated command line option to load lists, compare and export as wanted (e.g. A only, -or- That only in both)
(NumbComp.exe C:\Temp\ListA.txt C:\Temp\ListB.txt /O __Result_%timestamp% /F InBothOnly)
- Maybe option to compare case-sensitive (not need by me right now; 123x and 123X are same)
- Maybe in-line comparing (not need by me right now; x456 and X456 would be different)
- Maybe allow to work with one single file only, for to sort or to remove duplicates

I have done that in VBS and PoSh, but want a GUI,
and I have done that in Excel (2016/32-bit), but that will freeze my PC (16G RAM) for some minutes...
And I would had to take care to copy the formula down the whole lines till the end.
I also have tried a  few text comparing tools, but non have satisfied me.

Thanks in advance.


A few developer tools come to mind:
- Compare It! by Grigsoft (shareware, my personal favorite)
- Beyond Compare by Scooter Software (shareware)
- WinMerge (OSS)

They may need some configuration/settings to act as described.

I'm not sure how much (if any) this helps, but you might like to review these threads (in which I bang on about Unix comm):

DONE: Are any of the files missing???

Compare text files and keep only the DIFFERENT lines?

I also mentioned fintrsct = File Intersection.  Its home page seems to have disappeared, so I attach the latest version I know of.  DC's forum software won't let me upload a tar.bz2 file, so I've had to ZIP it.

I have done that in VBS and PoSh, but want a GUI, -AbteriX (January 28, 2019, 05:25 AM)
--- End quote ---

If you've already done a PoSh script then why not design and add a GUI to it using POSHGUI ?

It's pretty easy to integrate into your script.

I'm not sure how much (if any) this helps, but you might like to review these threads (in which I bang on about Unix comm):
-rjbull (January 28, 2019, 05:34 PM)
--- End quote ---

Probably not much use if he wants a GUI yes, but unix tools are great for munching text, for instance in WSL on my Win10 machine:

--- ---comm -12 <(sort -u english.txt) <(sort -u danish.txt) | wc -l
sorts a 4 MB list of random english words, sorts a 2 MB list of random danish words, finds all lines in common, and counts how many, in less than a second. I would assume PowerShell is similarly effective at this.


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