Software > Kyrathaba Software
Kyrathaba's Rolodex
A small utility (25 Kb) program written in C#. MyRolodex allows you to pair a key (enter some unique string) with associated string data and save securely to file in an encrypted format. If you choose not to password a particular pairing, you won't have to enter a password to view it but it still will only be viewable using this utility. If you do password a saved pair, the utility will require you to enter its associated password before it will display the data.
Note that regardless of whether you password a particular pair, the file it is saved in is encrypted with a simple string encryption algorithm.
Files created by this program are saved in the current user's AppData\Roaming\MyRolodex directory.
See OP for download link.
Kyrathaba's Rolodex
Kyrathaba's Rolodex
Kyrathaba's Rolodex
Kyrathaba's Rolodex
Thanks for sharing this :up:
I've updated the program so that, in addition to searching for keys, the user can opt to search for a substring within the data associated with each key:
See OP for download link for the most recent version of app.
Kyrathaba's Rolodex
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