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Android 6.0 tablet recent windows close all?

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On older Android versions I used to use Advanced Task Killer (by Rechild, couldn't find it in the Play Store anymore) to kill off unused programs, but I started it manually only, as I didn't want it to kill apps 'under my fingers'. I think I stopped using that around Android 5 or 6, but it should still work on those versions. AFAICS, killing an app is the only way to close it's (remaining) views.

On older Android versions I used to use Advanced Task Killer (by Rechild, couldn't find it in the Play Store anymore) to kill off unused programs, but I started it manually only, as I didn't want it to kill apps 'under my fingers'. I think I stopped using that around Android 5 or 6, but it should still work on those versions. AFAICS, killing an app is the only way to close it's (remaining) views.
-Ath (January 16, 2019, 01:13 AM)
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To kill a bunch of background apps I use RamBooster.  But in this case I am just trying to get rid of the windows without developing some kind of chronic thumb injury.  8)

The frustrating bit for me is the thing saves the list across boots.
-MilesAhead (January 15, 2019, 03:44 PM)
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That's actually one thing that I love.  I don't lose an app unless I explicitly close it.
-wraith808 (January 15, 2019, 09:07 PM)
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My tablets all have 1 GB or less of Ram.  I would not mind if it saved the list if it was optional or I could close them all with one shot.  The repetitive swiping is wicked lame.

btw thank you both for replying.   :Thmbsup:

But in this case I am just trying to get rid of the windows
-MilesAhead (January 16, 2019, 08:44 AM)
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AFAIK, that's not possible/happening. When closing a 'Window', the app is actually terminated, on Android.


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