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Folder Organizer/Sorter

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As always for me anyway, please let me know if this has been done before or available elsewhere.

So my name is Larry and I am a file hoarder!

I deal with a lot of different file types for my assorted hobbies. I also have a lot of files contained in compressed files that need to be sorted according to content.

I have files downloaded from Thingiverse for my 3D printer, CO2 laser and CNC which contain different file types. I have to open the compressed files and see what they contain. It would be easier to just open a program and search a directory to sort out the files.

What I am looking for;

Be able to input a folder destination (create one if not done), scan for files with a specific extension in/out of a compressed folder, and/or scan for specific directories in a compressed folder and then move/copy files in target directory.

Of course being able to input multiples would be nice but not necessary.


Belvedere might help out with this task at hand.

And here are some free (but donatable) alternatives, like DropZone (from our resident member: skwire),  DropIt   or a commercially licensed one:  FileJuggler.

These will help out with sorting your files. Keeping them sorted will already you a lot in identifying what is what before you even have to open an archive to see what it contains. This works best with new downloads, but all pieces of software allow you to create rules for filtering and some can even automatically rename them according to your rules.

There's also Pneumatic Tubes.  You can get a good idea of how it works from the guide:

@Shades & @wraith808: I think you're missing the key ask of the OP...and that's to scan within ZIP/RAR/7z files and make decisions based on the compressed files.  I don't think any of the aforementioned file sorters do that.

Sorting files inside archives or 'before' they are extracted would be very very useful to me, may be I have never requested such a thing but I would be very interested too


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