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Fully operate my Android using my laptop's touchpad and keyboard?

<< < (3/3)

Nice! I experienced a bit of lag with the scrcpy/ sndcpy combo, so I look forward to trying this sometime.  (with documentation)

Scrcpy 2.0, with audio 12 Mar 2023

I am thrilled to announce the release of scrcpy 2.0. Now, you can mirror (and record) your Android 11+ devices in real-time with audio forwarded to your computer!

This new version also includes an option to select the video and audio codecs. The device screen can now be encoded in H.265, or even AV1 if your device supports AV1 encoding (though this is unlikely).

The application is free and open source. Follow the instructions to install it and run it on your computer:

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-Curt (March 15, 2023, 01:14 PM)
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scrcpy of course  :)
-daddydave (November 25, 2022, 04:01 PM)
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scrcpy-win64-v2.1.1 on Desktop Win 10
>"Closed because A request for the USB configuration descriptor failed"<

Anyone else with same problem?


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