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NANY 2019: TextWorx - Universal Text Manipulator

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Cool, I like such tools. Thanks for your work.

Test with 0.7 on Notepad2 on W7/64:
"Transform > Reverse" on a few lines: did reverse but also added one additional line break for each selected line.

Add this text to the ReadMe.txt
win+K to show the menu
win+shift+K to toggle the toolbar

After you have the menu open (or when you push a toolbar button):

* hold shift to reverse the effect (in many cases)
* hold control to work the effect on each line in the selection
* hold control+shift to do both
For example, if you want to encase a word in double-quotes, just select the text, then select the function from the menu.

* To remove double-quotes, hold shift when you select the function.
* To encase each line in double-quotes, hold control when you select the function.
* To remove double-quotes from each line, hold control+shift when you select the function.-BGM (December 28, 2018, 12:01 PM)
--- End quote ---

also show there the release number (or somewhere else) so we can report which release we tested with.
Sorry, just found it behind the TNA icon ;-)

1. Insert > Prefix text to lines / Append text to lines (dialog box like Notepad2 Alt+M) ((( Aha, works already with Control-key on (Encase > Surround*)-command )))

2. Transform > Wrap line at pos: [ 72] ()Exactly ; ()Only after Space, Dot or ?!"-signs. For to split a long line into shorter lines.

3. Transform > Wrap line after [ 500] signs at char [. ] (this is a "dot+space") For to split one long joined line into a few paragraph with junks of 500 signs.

4. For to indicate a follow up dialog, me think a trailing '...' on the menu entry is more common then your trailing '*' ? (For me it tokes a few minutes until I realized what that sign was for  :P )

5. kind of "Restart TextWorx" entry for to re-read the INIs after modifying them (currently I have to exit and restart TextWorx)

6. Do you really need the numbering for the menu items?
100=single line|test1
101=spaced lines|test2
I would found it better without, so I can easily rearrange the entries at wish, without order the numbers afterwards too.
Entry=single line|test1
Entry=spaced lines|test2

I just tested TextWorx with TotalCommander, works fine:
- Modifying an button > Change... > Command-box: >>> Win+K > Editor > Zoom Editor
- F7 create new folder > >>> Win+K > Date and Time > Montag, 7. Januar 2019


Updated to version 0.8.  Changelog.

I fixed the extra lines in Reverse and most all of the other ones.  I've tested all the functions and they all work now

I haven't figured out how to make the global hotkey custom, but it's on my list.

If a menu item summons a dialogue, it has a * at the end of it.  This is actually in the documentation file that I am writing which you don't have yet.  ;)

Adding a "Restart TextWorx" item is a good idea; I think I'll do that.

Yes, you need the numbering for menu items.  The numbering on the left of the = sign is the order they appear, but you can rearrange what is on the right side.  They are not tied together.  The numbering allows the program to distinguish between settings and custom items.

The Zoom Editor works (I need to work on it, though) but you can't use TextWorx' own functions in that Zoom window.  It was designed for this, and it used to work, but I broke it.  I'm working on fixing that now.

I think I've figured out how to make every single menu user-configurable!
My quandry is this, though, if the default menus can be changed, and then I add new functions, they won't appear anywhere in the menu, and the user would have to read the docs to add the new items if they want them.

Should I make the default menus just toggle-able?  The user can always create their own (in the new version I'm working on) which won't ever be overwritten by the program.

TextWorx is incredibly useful! Thank you for creating it.
The one addition that might be useful in the 'coding' menu might be the ability to convert between variable naming conventions (snake case, camel case, kebab case, etc.)

cytochrome - can you elaborate a little?  In the Convert menu there is uppercase, lowercase, sentence and title case.  I could add camelCase there.  I've never heard of snake and kebab case, though.


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