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High res version of PBOL?

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I noticed that you have fixed the high resolution issue with launchbar commander. I wonder if you could do the same for Progress Bars Of Life? I love this program, but I have had to default to one bar type in order to read what it there. I know that this is not your most popular program, but I use it all the time and would love to be able to use it without the magnifying glass.  :D

yes, this should be a simple matter of rebuilding it with a new manifest file; remind me if i forget to release a new version by the new year.

Will do, thanks.

...remind me if i forget to release a new version by the new year.
-mouser (December 25, 2018, 09:29 AM)
--- End quote ---
There's an app for that - or maybe you could write one...

So,here is that reminder you asked for about updating PBOL for high res.  :)


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