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NANY 2019: Shorthand 3_2

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Right, so, the issue was with the encoding of the script and not the txt file. Open the script in a file editor and encode it as UTF-8-BOM or something similar. I will update the script to as soon as I have it working for the results of "Everything".
-Maestr0 (April 09, 2019, 12:02 PM)
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Glad to hear that you found a solution :D
Just take your time.
Much thx

get the newest version of the script here: https://www.dropbox...._2_3.2.0.47.ahk?dl=1
-Maestr0 (April 09, 2019, 12:02 PM)
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Sorry for the late reply, I knew this update just now.
I replaced the new file and run the start.bat, at first it run with some errors then I just restarted it and it works like a charm now!!! :Thmbsup:
Thanks for this great work :-*

get the newest version of the script here: https://www.dropbox...._2_3.2.0.47.ahk?dl=1
-Maestr0 (April 09, 2019, 12:02 PM)
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Sorry for the late reply, I knew this update just now.
I replaced the new file and run the start.bat, at first it run with some errors then I just restarted it and it works like a charm now!!! :Thmbsup:
Thanks for this great work :-*
-chashnniel (April 09, 2019, 06:42 PM)
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You're very welcome! Please, do not hesitate to let me know if you have any issues or suggestions.

another bug report

I run shorthand with admin, in adv search mode.
I don't quite understand what the containing field means, I guess its the result filter... or perhaps search for content in txt file(that's a great feature and I think maybe you have not finished it yet)

When I searched in the containing field(shorthand1.gif), I got an error(error4.png) each time I enter or delete a character.

I tried to follow the instruction in the error window, clear the % in line 2815, namely
%key% := this.value  --->   key := this.value

Then I got shorthand2.gif
In the final of shorthands.gif, when I clear the containing field and turn back to the main search input. I had to add or delete a character to get the search result. So it can't get the result instant even I clicked enter key.

Hi Maestr0, I'm learning to use Everything from within AutoHotkey so I peeked a little at your source code. I see you use ES on the command line rather than the Everything SDK/API. Was there some reason for that in this case? Speed? Stability? Other?

I have myself only very quickly tested the SDK/API so don't know what the advantages/disadvantages are in actual use.
There is sample AutoHotkey code here
and the Everything creator has well written SDK documentation here


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