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NANY 2019: Shorthand 3_2

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2 Maestr0

here is another bug report

I'm running the latest version (updated var the app)

When i first run this app, I started start.bat since I don't have ahk V2 installed. Then I get the error1(see pic below). But this actually have no matters, I can just close the error window and app can run normally.
Then I started my new search, everything is fine when I was searching English characters but there comes error2 when I searched Chinese characters.(I guess it doesn't suppirt Unicode.) I tried to open the file with Scrambled Code name and I got error3.
Regards. :)

2 Maestr0

here is another bug report
-chashnniel (April 08, 2019, 08:56 AM)
--- End quote ---

Thank you, much appreciated!

I'm running the latest version (updated var the app)

When i first run this app, I started start.bat since I don't have ahk V2 installed. Then I get the error1(see pic below). But this actually have no matters, I can just close the error window and app can run normally.
-chashnniel (April 08, 2019, 08:56 AM)
--- End quote ---

Very strange. Can you reply to this message with the contents of your start.bat code in brackets?

Then I started my new search, everything is fine when I was searching English characters but there comes error2 when I searched Chinese characters.(I guess it doesn't suppirt Unicode.)
-chashnniel (April 08, 2019, 08:56 AM)
--- End quote ---

I'll see if I can change it to support Unicode. Watch this space!

I tried to open the file with Scrambled Code name and I got error3.
Regards. :)
-chashnniel (April 08, 2019, 08:56 AM)
--- End quote ---

Hmmmmm, possibly also due to Unicode. I'll look into it!

thx for your reply. :Thmbsup:

Can you reply to this message with the contents of your start.bat code in brackets?
-Maestr0 (April 09, 2019, 12:42 AM)
--- End quote ---
One thing I need to make it clear is that I didn't modified any code in it. So here is the contents of my start.bat:
@echo OFF

start ./app/AHKv2_x32.exe shorthand3_ahk2.ahk

Here is the content of the error1 comes from:
In   .\app\shorthand3_ahk2_updater.ahk
<!DOCTYPE html><html xml:lang="en" class="maestro" xmlns=""><head><script nonce="Gwr7GMPeiqNeO2AkPHvU">
window._goch_ = {};
window.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
    'use strict';
    for (var elm =; elm; elm = elm.parentElement) {
        if ( &&
            window._goch_.hasOwnProperty( &&
            window._goch_[].call(elm, event) === false) {
}, true);

I'll see if I can change it to support Unicode. Watch this space!

--- End quote ---
Take your time, I will wait :)

One thing I need to make it clear is that I didn't modified any code in it.
-chashnniel (April 09, 2019, 05:02 AM)
--- End quote ---

I didn't doubt that, I asked to make sure it was the latest version, as there is always a possibility that the updater didn't work right or something like that.

Replace the contents of your start.bat with this:

--- ---REM @echo OFF
SET ShortHandFolder=%~s1
START %ShortHandFolder%app\AHKv2_x32.exe %ShortHandFolder%shorthand3_start.ahk >>%ShortHandFolder%log\batch.log

if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 goto ProcessError

REM error detected running shorthand3_start.ahk: running the script directly instead
START %ShortHandFolder%app\AHKv2_x32.exe %ShortHandFolder%shorthand3_ahk2.ahk

SET ShortHandFolder=
REM finished

Here is the content of the error1 comes from:
In   .\app\shorthand3_ahk2_updater.ahk
<!DOCTYPE html><html xml:lang="en" class="maestro" xmlns=""><head><script nonce="Gwr7GMPeiqNeO2AkPHvU">
window._goch_ = {};
window.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
    'use strict';
    for (var elm =; elm; elm = elm.parentElement) {
        if ( &&
            window._goch_.hasOwnProperty( &&
            window._goch_[].call(elm, event) === false) {
}, true);
-chashnniel (April 09, 2019, 05:02 AM)
--- End quote ---

Hmmmmm, that looks like there is an issue with the file the shorthand updater script is trying to download.
What do you get when you the following link in your browser?

That's the file it should be trying to get, it gives version information and links for updated files.

I'm still working on the other issues.

thank you for such a quick repay!  :up:

What do you get when you the following link in your browser?
-Maestr0 (April 09, 2019, 06:01 AM)
--- End quote ---
I open the link above in chrome and it tried to download a file, please see pic below


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