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Consumer Photo/Pic Editing Software - what do you use?

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Faststone is faster workflow for me, for example adding text or text bubbles. XnView is something I use less often these days when there is for most editing like lasso or similar features and Faststone for things like text as mentioned and image viewing, cropping, resizing. I never understood Irfanview, and this sounds like a very noob thing (I am talking about default behaviour right after install) but the navigation tree to go to a folder and show thumbnails within a folder not right there in Irfanview when the program opens (press T to bring it up?), I don't understand why that is the case for an image viewer.

If you can get around it's quirks, there is PaintStar. It is rather tiny and uses a floating dock style user interface like Gimp does. But it is free, supports layers and can be used as a portable application. The website has (downloadable) tutorials, lessons and examples.

Perhaps this piece of freeware strikes you as simple, yet powerful enough to do your tasks. That is, there is no active development going on for it anymore, so it might not be your thing after all.

Having said that, I have used the software since Windows XP and it still works fine on Windows 10 (and every version of Windows inbetween).

If you can get around it's quirks, there is PaintStar.
-Shades (December 12, 2018, 05:29 AM)
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Pretty amazing features for the file size etc
May not quite be what I had in mind but hats off to the developer - shame he didn't open source the code so someone could take it forward

If you can get around it's quirks, there is PaintStar.
-Shades (December 12, 2018, 05:29 AM)
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Was it payware at one time and stopped being supported?  Just get that feeling from the last update to the page.

I assume you are right about that. Still, Installed it once, liked it enough to keep and was pleasantly surprised that it could be used on other computers by simply copying the installation folder to that computer. Have been using it like that ever since. Caveat: I barely have a need to edit images, so my (lack of) experience might mean diddly squat to anyone else.


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