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AceText - text & clipboard manager (for coders, writers, etc.)

<< < (10/10)

I'm becoming more and more impressed with Acetext.  brilliant app from that guy, as usual.-superboyac (April 14, 2011, 11:59 AM)
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I think he used to offer a deal if you bought licenses for EditPad Pro and AceText at the same time.
-rjbull (April 14, 2011, 04:18 PM)
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I may just have to do that for my business.  I like both of them very much.

How you getting on with AceText superboyac?  :Thmbsup:

How you getting on with AceText superboyac?  :Thmbsup:
-mitzevo (July 29, 2011, 11:18 AM)
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I haven't really committed to it yet.  But I probably will soon (I'm in the middle of to many things right now).  It's very similar to mouser's Clipboard Help+Spell, which is free.  I'm trying out the CHS beta rightnow.  They both have pros and cons.  There's something I just like about the Aceclip interface.  But CHS is more powerful and does a couple of things better, and the beta added a couple of features I really like (icons in the quick paste).  One thing I want in CHS is to add more of whatever the SQL options are intended to do as regular buttons and checkboxes in the options menu.

So I'm kind of playing around with both right now.

Yeah, AceText is pretty nice, but I'm a little dissapointed in the lack of updates or upgrades to it, in the last 3 years atleast. I requested some functions to the author but I just got canned responses (:)) that he would consider my requests in future versions of AceText, lol.

I requested some small things like text modifiers (conver to rot13, hex, binary, etc.), also a way to set a tabs color, as well as a few more really small things.

CHS is damn great though, kudos to mouser for another wicked free donationcoder software product.  :Thmbsup:

I requested some small things like text modifiers (conver to rot13, hex, binary, etc.), also a way to set a tabs color, as well as a few more really small things.

CHS is damn great -mitzevo (July 31, 2011, 03:58 PM)
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And you could add some of the things you want to it as external applications, if they aren't built in already.


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