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Other Software > Found Deals and Discounts

Black Friday / Cyber Monday 2018

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Using a commercial VPN service to access Netflix, Hulu, etc is always going to be a game of cat and mouse, the sheer volume of traffic coming from a few IPs is always going to raise a red flag.

Try sending support a message so they can see about getting it sorted.

Probably doesn't help that big sites like ScienceAlert were also selling Windscribe access, so their service is faaaaar more known about than it really should be lol

Probably doesn't help that big sites like ScienceAlert were also selling Windscribe access, so their service is faaaaar more known about than it really should be lol-Stephen66515 (December 03, 2018, 03:30 AM)
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More to do with how often they change exit IPs because it happens to all VPN/SmartDNS providers, some are just more proactive in swapping/changing IPs.

It's why I use cheap VPS's, a couple of users from a single IP compared to (many) thousands over a proportionally smaller number of IP addresses.


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