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NANY 2019 - Windows App - Process Watcher

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Hm, though LogFusion looks like a fine log viewer, I'm afraid it doesn't handle the json-like format that is currently output by ProcessWatcher. We'll have to wait for mouser to choose another format before LogFusion is useful in this context.

Hm, though LogFusion looks like a fine log viewer, I'm afraid it doesn't handle the json-like format that is currently output by ProcessWatcher. We'll have to wait for mouser to choose another format before LogFusion is useful in this context.
-Ath (November 12, 2018, 02:01 PM)
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Or put up a request to convert file. If you append me some small examples (before/after) i write one for you.
Until now i did not have time to test this application at all. LogFusion is also unknown to me.

The file format I will use is not decided yet, so I advise no one spend any time coding anything yet..
Even more importantly, the log file produced currently is just the log of processes seen, and is not the main log file that will be of any interest.. That is still to come.

Hm, though LogFusion looks like a fine log viewer, I'm afraid it doesn't handle the json-like format that is currently output by ProcessWatcher. We'll have to wait for mouser to choose another format before LogFusion is useful in this context.
-Ath (November 12, 2018, 02:01 PM)
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Haven't tried it with JSON, but as what's there is only json-like, was waiting until he decided what that format might be in order to test.  Just showing as a suggestion for what I use for log files in general.

It HAS been interesting checking out the log of processes that are seen by the application.  Unlike a real-time log, you actually notice some surprises in this one -- of processes that run only occasionally in the background.  Support tools, update checkers, etc. for other programs, etc.


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