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In some folder other than desktop, freeze icon placement
wraith808, Windows does indeed allow one to move icons around and place 'em in a folder. And is supposed to remember such. As long as the context menu... View, Auto-arrange... is unchecked.
-nkormanik (October 29, 2018, 09:08 PM)
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What version of Windows are you using? I remember that being a feature at one point, but in Windows 10, it doesn't work in that way. They are tiled in all of the icon view orientations. Maybe it's a difference of OS?
wraith808, Windows 10 Pro. There is still that feature, to arrange and place your icons as desired, within each folder.
But, as said, as spotty as hell. Pathetic. Hit and miss. Sometimes saved, mostly forgotten.
That's why a third-party solution is called for. Microsoft engineers have other things requesting their attention.
By the way, icon arrangements appear to be held at the following registry location:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\
But not at all easy to understand. Coded. Take a peek.
Theoretically one might be able to 'Export' that branch of the registry tree in order to save folder icon positions. Then 'Import' back in to re-establish.
Trouble is, nearly EVERYTHING in the entire system regarding icon positionings is included there. Each and every folder. On all hard disks. Plus extra stuff for good measure.
Sorry if its wrong what I write, after reading and re-reading I still dont know whats the goal is.
To understand that I gave up.
But, maby this could work:
If i aint wrong, Windows stores that Information into a "Desktop.ini" file.
Most Windows have for Desktop two of them.
One you will find here: c:\Users\Public\Desktop\
There you find settings for all shared Icons on Desktop
Second you find here: c:\Users\YourLoginName\Desktop\
This is your personal folder, non-shared.
The Desktop.ini files have usual "Hidden plus System" attributes, so they might be invisible to you if you dont allow explorer to see "Hidden/System"
In some cases the Foldername itself is "Hidden or System".
If i am guessing right, you want to backup both folder contents and restore ?
Same rule for Folders, inside any folder where you arrange icons Widows will create that Desktop.ini file.
Please try out if this is what you asked for by backup, change anything and restore.
You even can set target "Desktop.ini" Read-Only, Windows cannot save to it anymore = what you see is what you get, later additions arent saved then of course.
KodeZwerg, worthy suggestion. Appreciate it!
Unfortunately, desktop.ini seems to only contain a few lines, and nothing about icon placement on desktop (or folder).
The idea I'm after, to clarify, is to place icons within folder, exactly where I want them to be placed. So that when you open that folder the icons are where they are supposed to be, because I strategically placed them there.
In some folder other than desktop, freeze icon placement
Please see above image. Worth 1000 words.
I got on my own machine a slight problem. I can not do such things anymore.
To clarify: (i just copy pasted text in here since my english aint that good)
The desktop.ini file is a hidden file used to store information about the arrangement of a Windows folder. Essentially, if the layout or settings for a folder are changed, a desktop.ini file is automatically generated to save those changes.
So please try again and do it like i describe:
1. create any empty folder
2. throw in a few files
3. set up folder arrrangements like you want it and close folder (i dont know at wich point windows save that file, so close is for me = saved)
4. re-open folder to check if still all meets your arrangement, if so, continue next step if not i give up
5. (i hope you can do) add "Read-Only" attribute to Desktop.ini
6. close and open folder to check if still all is fine
7. rearrange Placements
8. press "F5" key, what happen? (theory: windows refresh and load your read-only layout)
9. close and open folder to check if still all is fine
10. if all steps succeed you now know what to do, backup that desktop.ini file anywhere and restore anytime not forget to remove read-only attribute
I best hope that it work.
BTW if you have trouble setting attributes, here a small how-to
press WIN+R
type CMD +enter
type CD X:\This is\My Personal\Folder for\DonationCoderApps <<-- replace name with yours :D
type ATTRIB +R -S -H Desktop.ini
now that file is read-only
later to have original attributes back
ATTRIB -R +S +H Desktop.ini
type EXIT +enter
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