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In some folder other than desktop, freeze icon placement
The key was/is to find out where in the registry Desktop location is stored.
Seems easy enough, huh.
Unfortunately, Windows wants that information in hex.
So, here are my four desktops, that I switch among. I created four reg files, to double click on, when I want to use any particular one of the desktops. (As said earlier, the actual folders of these desktops are side by side where everyone else's desktops are, c:\users\username\...):
Desktop#0 (original desktop, populated with tons of icons, way too many...)
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders]
So, editing out the name, that second one represents
C:\Users\[Name]\Desktop#2 - And that's where you have desktop 2, right? Sounds like an interesting problem! I'm sure skwire will get something to you before mine is done, but I've been struggling to find a NANY, and this is something that I could do!
I'm thinking to show the current that it's pointing to, and give the option to clone to a new folder (creating a new entry), switch to an entry, or delete an entry. Since skwire said he could do it without logging out, I'm looking to that to be a challenge. But at the least, I'll give the option after the change to trigger a logout.
Thanks for the idea! I'm very interested to see how it interacts with fences...
There are some flies in the ointment, at least, that I'm aware of:
In the above scenario Windows (10) expects the Desktop folder to be named "Desktop." Not, for instance, Desktop#2.
So, Windows goes ahead and changes the name "Desktop#2" to "Desktop".
This even though there already is a "Desktop" -- your original one. Which you certainly do not want over-written, or altered in any way.
Then it appears you have two "Desktop" folders. Same name. Side-by-side. Go figure.
Additionally, each of the new Desktops will be initially populated with various icons of programs which, I'm assuming, are for "All Users," as opposed to just you. One has to then delete these icons. And such deletion could have some unintended consequences.
Frankly it's really not that big of a deal rebooting to get to a new clean desktop, when real estate is desperately needed. By this I mean, not enough open space on our single Desktop, to strategically place new stuff.
As an analogy, the intent is sort of like having some project mapped out on a physical white board, with dry erase markers markings, sticky Post-It notes, lines, etc., all over. Nice to have a second or third white board to move to when not ready to erase the first.
Oh, and, of course, you absolutely must be able to maintain the exact arrangement and order. That's sort of another story (i.e., DesktopOK, or equivalent).
I find it stupefying that Windows doesn't already have this feature, multiple plain old desktops. Like, as many as you want. With ability to save icon positions, folders, stuff, independently for each one.
And, what the heck while I'm at it, maybe even some larger labels that can be moved around.
Dream on....
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