Software > N.A.N.Y. 2019
NANY 2019 - Android App - Streak Tracker
Streak Tracker for Android is a productivity utility meant to help motivate you. It's a simple app that lets you create a list of activities and specify for each a time window in terms of hours/days/weeks/months that you must regularly perform the activity in order to keep your streak going. The idea is to motivate you to perform activities regularly by keeping your streaks going.
* Official Google Play Store link and download:
* Offical web page:
Good job :up:
Display bug
with the dark theme:
New entry dialogue > Click on 'Day(s)' > I am shown a blank dialogue -- the entries are there, I can select an entry but cannot read them (black text on black?)
Above works correctly with the light theme.
Wondering about the text on the buttons:
have to admit I dont understand what is meant by the '1 day' or '1 week' in your screenshot above mouser.
instead of [1 streak] (which I also find unclear), how about something like [1 of 20] ? with 20 being the length of the streak.
(I guess [1/20] could be used but might also be unclear?)
Another display issue (minor)
Relevant Setting:
# Category list style >Auto [tabs go to sidebar in landscape]
The app treats a split screen as being landscape -- this puts the tabs in a sidebar and makes everything else very cramped. Add to that I made landscape font size larger (125%) which cramps everything even more. Could split screen mode be treated as portrait?
NANY 2019 - Android App - Streak Tracker
The app treats a split screen as being landscape -- this puts the tabs in a sidebar
--- End quote ---
In the settings you should find an option for forcing the tab mode.
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