Software > Finished Programs
DONE: clean the marked text
^My eyes dislike this file name very much. Not because of the words, but because of those 11 ugly _
When I look at it, my instinctive reaction is to rename it, like the 2'nd file in this screenshot from Explorer:
For many years I have been using Dolphin Text Editor, and been happy with it. One day, still many years ago, they updated the program and my favourite feature disappeared! Instead of changing the world, I tried to change myself... Now I realize it is far more realistic to change the world! Please help me to do so: I would very much like a small exe (to be placed in Start) that will clean the marked text for every "_" (shortcut "Ctrl+_", if possible), meaning, Replace it with a Space.
Please? :tellme:
AHK (compile it, place it in start, use it's shortcut when a text with underscores is in the clipboard):
--- ---#NoEnv
#SingleInstance Force
^+-:: ; Ctrl+Shift+- = Ctrl+_
Clipboard := RegExReplace(Clipboard, "[_]+", " ")
Hi Curt,
is it the text editor that adds the underscores?
(If so, are you planning on continuing using it?)
One day, still many years ago, they updated the program and my favourite feature disappeared!
-Curt (October 09, 2018, 04:06 AM)
--- End quote ---
what was that feature?
@highend01 So fast... Wow!
Forgive me: I don't have AHK or any familiar version installed any more. Will You or someone else please exe compile it for me?
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tomos, you said "adds", but meant the opposite. But No, it comes from a site that uses "underscores" in every file name.
AHK doesn't need to be installed to be able to compile a script with it. Just use the current .zip:
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