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IDEA: Very simple timeclock utility

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Building a new pc... sigh there was a time when i enjoyed doing that, now it seems like nothing but a chore! I have to setup 1 new laptop, 1 new pc, and buy several new laptops for friends and family and then set them up again.... its a pain i tell ya! And this all after setting up 5 new laptops already! Everybody enjoyed it so they want more.
I have been putting off using my new laptop since ages, until my wife forced me to let go off my aging but cozy laptop and migrate to the new one, and i haven't even finished migrating yet.

Don't get me started, but i guess it's too late already... hehe :)

That reminds me, i saw the exhibit they had over here, on Earth from Above (it was quite good and thought provoking, but also had too much doom and gloom :(), anyway in that it said that it takes 1.8 Tons of material to build each PC, did you guys know that? That puts on a whole new meaning to having so many PCs around.... i don't feel so environmentally friendly anymore :(

anyway back to topic on hand.

Good luck with your new PC, brett, and i'll be looking forward to seeing the new versions...

Marvellous time tracking utility for computer users. It really answers the question, "What did I do today?"

Some suggestions, should you care to do a little more work,

* For add a comment, have a drop down box with a list of the most recently used comments
* If you implement the drop box, place the Add Comment window at the top left of the screen so there is max room for display of previous Comments
Marvellous, marvellous! :D :-*

fwiw, you can put the url in the Firefox titlebar (ie window frame) with Titlebar Tweaker.

tOM  :-*

Hello (Brett and titlelog fans).

I've made a couple modifications to the script.

1- When I double click an item in the list (detailed view), the "window title" or message is copied to the clipboard, ready to be copied somewhere else.

2- A message (Comment) can be entered by pressing Ctrl+Chift+Alt+T. The shortcut key opens the "comment" dialog.

3- When I enter a Message in the "Comment" dialog and save it, it's also copied to the clipboard.

4- fixed a bug : manual comments didn't show up in the list. They now do

5- Other small personal things like initial sort (reversed), etc.

Anyhow, if someone is interested... :)

Some users showed interest so here's my tweaked version (attached)

From the last post, modifications are :

1- If double click an item in the list (detailed view), the "window title" or message is copied to the clipboard, ready to be copied somewhere else.

2- A message (Comment) can be entered by pressing Ctrl+Chift+Alt+T (the shortcut key opens the "comment" dialog).

3- When one enters data in the "Comment" dialog & saves it ("Save Comments" button), it's also copied to the clipboard, ready to be copied somewhere else.

4- fixed a small bug : manual comments didn't show up in the detailed list. They now do

5- Other things like the initial sort in the detailed view (hours descending instead of ascending).

VoilĂ  !

P.S. : And a big THANK YOU to Brett for that great program.


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