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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

Registry of phone calls android-pc

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I am not able to find a good application to obtain the registry of phone mobile calls from android to pc in a simple txt file with some fields.

How can I get that ?

Best Regards


Was the 2nd link on Google for "store android phone call history as text file".


Was the 2nd link on Google for "store android phone call history as text file".
-Stephen66515 (August 28, 2018, 05:31 PM)
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Sorry I forgot a good freeware application. is not free.
Best Regards
Nevertheless I will take a good look with the keys proposed.

Call History Manager - Can export call history to Excel file then just transfer to computer via Bluetooth, email, etc.

Call History Manager - Can export call history to Excel file then just transfer to computer via Bluetooth, email, etc.
-4wd (August 29, 2018, 12:02 AM)
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Running  :-*


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