Software > UrlSnooper
Fail installing WinPCap on windows 10 64 fixed writing to system/etc.
Just installed WinPCap with writing error of npf.sys. problem solved " setting System folder write protection and driver folder of and got installed successful
regards Hagi
Problem solved after setting system32 and driver folder as it shown with the error writeprotection of and got message "installed successfull"
after setting system32 and driver folder as it shown with the error writeprotection of
-Hagiyen (August 27, 2018, 07:09 AM)
--- End quote ---
By doing that you have opened a huge security-hole in your windows installation. The way to get that driver installed is to run the installer "As Administrator", from the right-click context menu. If you don't have Administrator access to your PC, get a systems admin to install it for you.
You'd better restore the original settings on these folders.
You should upgrade to Npcap.
It is faster & fully compatible to very old WinPcap.
And it works, since i wrote that it is compatible, with UrlSnooper aswell, i just tested it.
Some tools have WinPCap as a hard-coded requirement, I'm afraid.
However, If you get the latest version of a tool called WireShark, it will automatically install a modern version of WinPCap if it detects that it is missing from your system. Modern installers of WinPCap do not require you to misconfigure your Windows installation, opening it up for any form of attack available since Windows 98.
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