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InstantBoss - For those of us which require motivation to work
hi App
I'm back with "the [real] Boss" :D
is there any chance you could set it up so that after a break the the [Work Now] option has focus instead of the [Cancel] one ?
The Logic being:-
if I click Enter or spacebar as the Instant boss window flashes up it dissappears - either I dont see it at all, or I see it flash & think I better check that & continue what I'm doing & forget of course - but the problem is that it doesnt reappear at all.
If [Work Now] had focus I might "lose" a bit of time (if I dont actually see the Instant Boss window) but at least the window will reappear,
so I'll get reminded to work if I'm dossing or break if I'm working
When the work time expires, and the "Take a break" popup appears, one of the options is "Work a little longer".
Similarly, when the break time expires, and the "Back to work" popup appears, one of the options is "Longer break".
In the case of "Longer break" it gives you 50% of your break and then prompts you again. I like that.
But in the case of "Work a little longer" it just goes back to counting work time and will count forever. But then it's up to ME to remember to click "Take a Break" in the main window. And if i could remember to do that, i wouldnt need InstantBoss in the first place!? ;) I've had times where i went to bed, and it still kept counting it as work time. That makes the total work counters way off. Which i'll admit is secondary, the work-break timing is still very useful.
So, my suggestion is to have the "Work a little longer" do the 50% thing too. Or if some users want the "Work a little longer" forever until clicked, provide both options.
There's a workaround. For me who can not remember to take that break, dont use "Work a little longer", just use "Skip break". It's almost the same, but distorts the iterations i've done. That's not a big deal, however.
Thanks. I might try this customization myself, if the script source is available. I haven't checked into that yet. And if i can find the time (keep in mind i am a person who needs InstantBoss).
I am still thinking about rewriting Instant Boss to be cross-platform. I am also considering some changes and improvements.
The original purpose of the app was to get people to work more, which is why it didn't remind you to stop when you clicked "work longer".
I think the fact that many use it for reasons other than tricking themselves into getting more work done, kind of makes sense for some of the adjustments to features that I am considering. And yes, the "work longer" reminding you to take a break is one of the changes I am seriously considering.
I am still thinking about rewriting Instant Boss to be cross-platform. I am also considering some changes and improvements.-app103 (February 09, 2013, 02:24 AM)
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That would be great app!
This was one of the best break/work apps I tried.
The original purpose of the app was to get people to work more, which is why it didn't remind you to stop when you clicked "work longer".
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part of the problem (with users= with me) is that I get easily distracted and start, say, surfing when I should be working. So the lack of reminders (whether to take a break or to get back to work) means that I drift ...
edit/ I would say that the key to working hard and effectively is regular breaks - certainly for me at any rate. (Another reason for the break reminder.)
part of the problem (with users= with me) is that I get easily distracted and start, say, surfing when I should be working.
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yep, me2.
app103, thanks for considering this. Impressive to get a response on a thread 3yrs stale. InstantBoss is popular at That's where i learned of it. And why i need it :P
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