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InstantBoss - For those of us which require motivation to work
When JacobB originally made the coding snack request, he did request that it not restrict what you can do with your computer.
And when I think about this, it was a good idea not to restrict.
If I planned on using my browser on my breaks, it would be bad to restrict using it, if I also need it for work.
It's definitely a bit difficult to block programs from "play" when you also use them for work. I jut happen to use Firefox for all my "recreational" surfing while at work, and IE or Deepnet Explorer for my "business" browsing, so it works out to just block the one browser.
I find Temptation Blocker helps me, because I'm easily distracted. If some thought crosses my mind and what I'm working on is not particularly engaging, often I just can't resist hopping on the web to "just check one thing" and we all know how that can go. It serves a similar function to the Boss program because I can set it for 2 hours or so and if my mind starts to wander, I can tell myself, "No finish this now and you can surf when the 2 hours are up." So it's a little bit like a reward system too. Just seeing warnings wouldn't do it for me. I'm too likely to just dismiss them. (I know, I've tried.)
TB does have an escape hatch built in - you can disable it at any time by typing a long string of random characters that it displays on screen. It's a pain in the neck to do this though, so I'm more likely to just keep on with my work rahter than "break out" on a whim. But if I have a legitimate need for any of the blocked programs, they are still available.
I started using a similar program (Workrave) last year, but gave it up--until today!
Basically, you get 30 seconds "micro-breaks" every 3 mins, 10 minute "rest breaks" every 45 mins, and there's a daily limit of 4hrs work time (you can change all these values). They've also included animated stretching exercises (to relieve RSI).
My words wouldn't be able to do the program justice, so check out their screen shots. They've put a lot of work into making this a nice-looking and very useful program. I urge you all to check it out.
workrave looks quite good :up:
It's also open source (!).
app, you might want to check it out and see if there are any useful ideas for you.
I have looked at Workrave before. (I think it was db that told me about it, about a week ago.)
I have also taken a look at WorkPace, another RSI prevention tool.
While RSI prevention tools do seem to have something in common with Instant Boss, at first, there is a big difference between the 2:
* RSI prevention tools try to get you to work less and take more breaks. (great for the workaholic that works to the point of it being unhealthy)
* Instant Boss tries to get you to work more and rewards you with breaks. (great for the procrastinator that doesn't really want to work)
Now some of the charting & graphing features available for WorkPace may be able to be adapted for Instant Boss, while still maintaining it as an anti-procrastination tool. That is probably what I will go with.
I was also considering features that would make it good for the self employed that bill by the hour, allowing them to log how much work was done on a project, and to enter a rate of pay so that total billing cost can be calculated.
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