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ScoreTracker DC (Android app) - v1.40 - Mar 30, 2019


A little plug for my (100% free) Android app called ScoreTracker DC.

It's a simple app that lets you track scores or counts for different items -- for example if you wanted to keep track of the scores for each player in a board game.

It's built on the same codebase I have used for my other Android apps, which means it has multi-device synchronization options, tabs for grouping items, etc.
Each item has a quick +1 and -1 buttons but you can also click any score to get a nice calculator dialog to make bigger changes.

I've recently added a custom font scaling option which makes it particularly useful for displaying names and scores in very big clear lettering.

You can download it from the Google Play store here:

Or see the DC page on it here:

Or view the original DC thread announcement and discussion:

ScoreTracker DC (Android app) - v1.40 - Mar 30, 2019 ScoreTracker DC (Android app) - v1.40 - Mar 30, 2019 ScoreTracker DC (Android app) - v1.40 - Mar 30, 2019 ScoreTracker DC (Android app) - v1.40 - Mar 30, 2019 ScoreTracker DC (Android app) - v1.40 - Mar 30, 2019 ScoreTracker DC (Android app) - v1.40 - Mar 30, 2019

V1.40 - Mar 30, 2019

* When you finish a game (or whatever) you can now add the current scores to a history log along with a date/time stamp and comment.  Useful for keeping track of scores over time.
v1.33 - Nov 2018

* Improved control over custom font sizing -- separate font scaling options for portrait and landscape orientation.
v1.32 - Aug 20, 2018

* Improved font size control, better menus

V1.40 - Mar 30, 2019

* When you finish a game (or whatever) you can now add the current scores to a history log along with a date/time stamp and comment.  Useful for keeping track of scores over time.
v1.33 - Nov 2018

* Improved control over custom font sizing -- separate font scaling options for portrait and landscape orientation.


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