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News and Reviews > Best E-mail Client

The Bat is nice BUT... MAJOR omission no HTML

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Carol Haynes:
I agree - that is why I played with the Bat briefly but decided it wasn't for me.

My previous post was really to illustrate that security needn't be a security issue when using other email clients (and to suggest a useful app for anyone wanting to filter HTML mail content without making it unreadable).

what do you use instead?
i like the threading of topics,  love the send-receive dialogue, tried and do not trust thunderbird, what else is there?

Carol Haynes:
Personally after trying a number of alternatives I have gone back to OulookXP - not perfect by any means but with combined with Benign it works well enough for me.

yeah, well i am just gonna have to stay with OE till the bat gets with it a bit more.
till later
thanks for the input


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