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Extract REGEX matches from multiple text files
gci *.txt | % { sls $_.Name -Pattern '^.*"ui_mode",(\d+).*$' -a | % { $_.Matches } | % { $_.Groups[1].Value } >> K:\out.txt }
I still struggle very much with this and Google does not help. The main source of confusion I believe is the fact that I don't know if a term in the command is a random variable name or if it is a specific variable which is part of PS core. Also, another thing is that I may be able to Google "what does % mean in powershell" to find out what a specific symbol means but if they are part of another word like $_.Matches, it becomes confusing.
So the gci command will grab all the files that match *.txt in the directory.
The pipe means that we run sequentially another command.
The sls command means that it matches the regex inside the input $_.Name. What is that? I read "The $_ variable holds a reference to the current item being processed." But I don't understand what that means. Any idea?
Then, we move on to the command % which is basically a for-each loop. So for each of the Matches found with the previous command, we run another for each loop, the Groups[1].Value. I don't know what that is either. Any idea?
Finally we append to out.txt.
Are the terms Name, Matches, Groups, Value, something standard in Powershell or they are random variables names?
Name, Matches, Groups, Value, something standard in Powershell or they are random variables names?
-kalos (August 08, 2018, 08:59 AM)
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4wd did a fine job of explaining all the special chars / shortcuts he used in the post just above yours.
Name is the standard attribute holding, wait for it..., the name of the object.
Matches, Groups and Value are attributes of the Regex resulttype Match (.NET, the base of Powershell, as I explained earlier), containing an entire match, all groups found in the regex provided, with Groups[0] holding the entire result and Group[1] etc. reflecting the standard regex \1 result etc, and value holding the found value, usually the same as Groups[0].
4wd did a fine job of explaining all the special chars / shortcuts ...-Ath (August 08, 2018, 01:39 PM)
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Hey now, that's going a bit far ...
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Every piece of script I've put in this thread resulted from one simple search - especially the last piece.
I search Google until I get close enough to the answer I want, it's how I learnt Powershell, (and I'm nowhere near being proficient in it). If you're not getting what you want you're probably being too specific, change your search parameters, because it's a high probability that someone else has already asked it and most likely had it answered.
I suggest you read the link I posted earlier: How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
[Insert deity] knows I'm guilty of asking stupid questions but at least I try to provide all the information required/asked to help whoever it is that may decide to offer help, whether it be data, required output, the right question, cup of coffee, chocolate filled croissant, new car ... (wait, I draw the line there), etc.
And we still have no idea how your various bits of data file relate to each other.
That's good info, so I will have to have a good read on these to be able to understand PS.
I am better understanding by studying examples so I would appreciate your help with this.
PS: This is not related to the initial data file I wanted to process.
Any idea why this does not work?
Get-Content *.xml | Out-String
I want then to append to a file all the matches of a regex1 or regex2. Any idea?
Also, any idea on how to extract specific values from xml nodes?
I type select-xml -path *.xml -xpath "/html:html/html:products/html:product/html:referenceData/html:pct/html:productId" and it doesn't work
Something else, I want to parse the text of a file and use -match on it, but I cannot figure out how to do it, it's so embarrassing!
gc *.xml -match *regex*
does not work :(
Any idea why this does not work?
Get-Content *.xml | Out-String-kalos (August 09, 2018, 10:53 AM)
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I have a better idea, you tell us why you think it doesn't work.
gc *.xml -match *regex*
does not work :(
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You tell us why it doesn't work.
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