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Special User Sections > DC Website Help and Extras

DC on the smallish screen

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@tomos: What browser are you using?
-4wd (August 09, 2018, 07:55 PM)
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Have you tried the mobile version of DC, there's no user info panel at all in landscape.
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I did try it a good while back on my windows phone and it wasnt very good: dont know if that due to phone or dc at that time.
I dont remember how -- and cannot see how to access the mobile site -- I'm good at missing the obvious at times, but I made a good effort here and came up with nothing...

I dont remember how -- and cannot see how to access the mobile site -- I'm good at missing the obvious at times, but I made a good effort here and came up with nothing...-tomos (August 10, 2018, 05:09 AM)
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Under the menu of Chrome there's an option Desktop site, uncheck it if it's checked - it should immediately refresh and bring up the mobile version.

If it's not checked, try another browser like Firefox Focus or Puffin and see what it shows, they all show no user panel for me unless I specifically tell them to load the Desktop site.

Under the menu of Chrome there's an option Desktop site, uncheck it if it's checked - it should immediately refresh and bring up the mobile version.
-4wd (August 10, 2018, 06:15 AM)
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that's already unchecked.

Will try those browsers:
I have avoided Chrome up until this android phone, would be happy to get back to avoiding it again if possible ;-)

Of course if possible, the site should display in the best possible manner 'out of the box'. So, mouser, if you think you can resolve the problems, I would be happy to see that :up:


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