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Donated once, then had to donate again.


My software (Screenshot Captor) suddenly said I had to visit the site to get rid of the DonationCoder window and when I checked the license it said I had to donate to get one. I already had a license and I had to donate again to get a new one. I tried to retrieve my key but the website said my email was not recognised. Has this happened to anyone else?


It hasn't happened to me, but if it does happen you dont have to donate again; you can just go to your profile and retrieve your registration.  Whn logged in to your account, go to to retrieve another key.

Thanks but I did try that, it said the email wasn't recognised. :0( Wondered if it was a thing. Think I originally donated back in 2010, but the email was different. Neither my current or old one were recognised but maybe that is the cause? No matter, not bothered about donating again, the software is good enough.


Plus just seen the "If your email isn't found" form to recover a key. Maybe I should use my eyes more?!


Although repeat donations are always appreciated, we have never (ever) required anyone who has donated to our site to donate a second time to get a license key.  Any donation of any amount has always granted a lifetime license key for all of our software.
We are a tiny operation, so if ever in doubt -- if you ever have any difficulty with a license key, you can ask for help here on the forum, or email me ([email protected]), or submit a question through the website and we will help you get it sorted out or send you a new license key.  :up:


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