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IDEA: Any program required to move files to a NAS.

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Listen here Wraith, how the hell do you know what someone else is thinking?
Don't tell me what to do and how about you mind your own damn business.

This has nothing to do with you.

I would like to see new rules on this site that only allow the originator to dictate what they want or require because all the side comments ruined this with their OWN personal demands/suggestions which has NOTHING to do with me.

So get that into ya..

-Craig381 (September 13, 2018, 07:23 PM)
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I never said anything about you, I talked about what he had said, and a more reasoned approach that you might take to get his attention instead of attempting to shame him into continuing or shame him for not continuing.   I was actually considering looking at this if he didn't want to continue because I could see that he dropped it because of crosstalk, not as a punishment to you, but in his own words:

i feel sorry to silent dropped this discussion.
Initial i really felt to help, and it was already finished, at least 95% with maybe 5% bugs left.
But that "do this/dont that" and "use this/not that" has killed my fun in developing it, its already dumped after all those "delete is a no go" texts.
-KodeZwerg (August 16, 2018, 02:24 PM)
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Try to motivate him, not shame him was my only suggestion.  Whatever you take from that is your problem.  And no, I'm in no way thinking of picking this up at this point.  Onward!


Wraith808, you are full of crap. Read back thru the posts, Everything was going great until you and Mouser (who should know better) and 4wd and Ath just had to chime in and just couldn't stay out of this initial post and practically hijacked it with all your own input.

I felt like reaching thru the screen and telling you all to stfu.  This was my requirement/idea NOT yours for gawd sakes.

All of you should be ashamed of yourselves for butting in and ruining this.

I am the one who did not get anything, YES I am the one who is punished here, thats the bottom line.

Ring the shame bell.


Wraith808, you are full of crap. Read back thru the posts, Everything was going great until you and Mouser (who should know better) and 4wd and Ath just had to chime in and just couldn't stay out of this initial post and practically hijacked it with all your own input.

I felt like reaching thru the screen and telling you all to stfu.  This was my requirement/idea NOT yours for gawd sakes.

All of you should be ashamed of yourselves for butting in and ruining this.

I am the one who did not get anything, YES I am the one who is punished here, thats the bottom line.

Ring the shame bell.
-Craig381 (September 16, 2018, 11:40 AM)
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I didn't jump in, other than to agree that robocopy was a good tool.  It's apparently you that aren't reading well.  You could indeed reach out to KodeZwerg behind the scenes to see if he'd be willing to continue.  Offer him encouragement and perhaps even compensation.  But instead, you'd rather play the victim, and try to shame others- even the one that was trying to help you.  Entitled much?

The nature of this site is such that we all jump into each other's threads, make suggestions, offer to help, get bored and leave threads, offer unsolicited advice, etc.  Just think of it as a large family with an assortment of all types of people.  It's just how it is.. This is our hobby not our job.

This is a public post, on a public forum.  People will obviously bring their own thoughts and ideas to the topic as that's how this forum works.

If this thread continues to dissolve into petty arguments and name calling; it will be locked.

Please consider this as the final "off-topic" message in this thread, and get back to the original topic, rather than letting madness descend.



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