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IDEA: Any program required to move files to a NAS.

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I'd thought "I'd like to copy/move the file as safe as possible, so using Operating System native tools has my preference." = means use Api calls
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That's what I meant -- to use the Windows API functions for CopyFile or CopyFileEx or the delphi file copy functions.

Thanks for joining in on my app request all.
KodeZwerg is doing a lot of work in order to save me hours of sorting through files and me having to move them 1 at a time to multiple drives.

To Ath, my app request requirements are clearly laid out by in my initial request and yes, I have considered my NAS structure over and over again to the nth degree involving hundreds of hours of testing and after ruining several hard drives, RAID is out of the question and to be quite honest, RAID is not a feasible solution in todays large size hard drive environment as re-writes take too long, jeopardize server up time and RAID itself wears out drives with all the handshaking and checking and re-writes.

I am presently using NAS4FREE and JBOD with UFS    why JBOD? because I have 2 offsite copies of all files.
Why NAS4FREE, it's free, easy to use, and has been working reliably for several years now as my NAS grows in size.

There is an old data storage rule which has never changed. The rule of 3, 3 copies of all data, of which 1 must be at another location.
RAID simply does not accomplish this and I have followed this rule... starting right after this story below happened to me.

PS: RAID is a sensitive issue with me as I paid $1000.00 USD for 2 IBM state of the art 7200rpm Deathstar 13GB HDD's several years back. They worked in RAID config for about 2 days before overheating and going bad. Yes I was kickass fast in a MB world for a couple days! I sent them both back 3 times (all new ones failing again and again) taking 8 weeks transit time each time and on the 3rd time they came back they told me the warranty had finally expired and that they do not recommend leaving the HDD on for more than 8 hours at a and that there would be no more exchanges. I joined the class action law suit and to this day have not received one cent.

Then you might be interested in SnapRAID. It has tickled my interest, if I'm honest. It promises practically all the speed advantages of a software RAID setup, but none of the disadvantages.

Not a fan of RAID in general though. Mainly because I have inherited a software RAID setup (Linux), that often took so much time to rebuild that it would have been easier/faster to start from scratch from a backup. A few times even 48 hours or thereabout. And during those rebuilds you can't use that setup, so people started to work around it altogether. But the boss drunk from the cool-aid: "but data is much safer, because you can rebuild". So I must keep it alive.

In my view, the only thing RAID is good for: speed   
But when (not if) problems arise, it will take much more effort and money to access data from drives that were part of a RAID setup....and that is if you are lucky. Most of the time content is not salvageable. Granted, that is a bigger problem with hardware RAID solutions than with software RAID solutions. Hardware RAID is practically always faster than a software RAID setup, so such solutions remain preferred by most. Yet those persons/companies forget that they must have a redundant identical hardware setup ready if they take their data serious. Or at least double the amount of (identical!) RAID cards, because if you don't, you easily reduce your already slim chance of getting any data back by 80%.

In short, a heavy price tag to slap on data. Companies that absolutely need all the speed for their systems to be able to do their core business without losing money, should consider RAID. All others can wait a second or two more for their data. Besides, nowadays more and more node-based software is appearing that is very fast from itself and truly excels when the network they are connected on is super fast. No hardware RAID can beat those speeds and these systems only need standard machines with standard OS's that are relatively easy to repair/exchange, without downtime. NoSQL databases like Apache Cassandra are a good example of this.

RAID is a yesteryear mindset. But, if you must, I do think that the concept behind SnapRAID is worthy of consideration.

yes, I have considered my NAS structure over and over again
-Craig381 (June 25, 2018, 04:49 PM)
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Well, that was the type of answer I was looking for: You have a very well motivated reason to continue in this way. Thnx, but it wasn't obvious from your OP. ;)

Instead of "hard coding" the destination folders why not..

Use cmd net view \\ to obtain Samba shares on the NAS
pipe all the shares into a list
dir each item on the list one at a time to obtain the folder names within each share
pipe them into a list and use that list to make the "rules" to move the files to the proper folders.
This way the shares and folders on the NAS can "change at will" and it will not affect the program moving the files.

anyone ever try something like this?


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