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IDEA: Any program required to move files to a NAS.
I'd like to copy/move the file as safe as possible, so using Operating System native tools has my preference.
--- End quote ---
RoboCopy was designed to be safe, can copy anything related to a file, (dates, ADS, security, etc), is multi-threaded, can skip corrupted files, can move or copy, and is native to the OS.
An option might be to use the GUI to set up the parameters and call the RoboCopy command and parse its output back into the GUI output window?
^ +1. We really need a way to endorse posts so we don't have to just post that we agree...
^ +1. I agree :P
You mean integrate calls to commandline tool "robocopy.exe"?
Hmm.... i could integrate an option to call external Tools with a checkbox to show console.
Option to add commandline parameter that sticks to external Tool would be neccessary aswell i guess.
If external app support %ErrorLevel% as Result i guess i could intgrate a check.
Okay, will respect it and add such option! (thanks god that i already switched to a single configuration dialog ;D)
After re-reading this thread, i must admit the important information i havent understood at first time reading, now its clear! Sorry for that!
(I'd thought "I'd like to copy/move the file as safe as possible, so using Operating System native tools has my preference." = means use Api calls)
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