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IDEA: Any program required to move files to a NAS.
OMG Im so excited.... is there a working version yet?
To answer your questions:
I am about to start this Project now, i have some questions.
Should the procedure include sub-folders in G:\SOURCE\ ? If yes, should my App delete empty folders?
If there were to be folders in G:\Source the folder would become the "sort" criteria for moving the entire folder.
aka the first 2-3 letters of the folder name. soooo "Eat me" folder and its entire contents regardless of the names of the folder contents would
presently be moved to \\\ef\EA-EN leaving nothing back in G:\Source
Should targetfiles have original fileattributes or do you wish for example remove/set Read-Only/Hidden attributes to a specific attribute?
attributes do not matter as they are dictated by the NAS OS based on which user is connected.
The only problem/annoyance I have when moving files now is windows nags about attributes every time I move files to the Linux NAS.
Must targetfiles have same Datestamp? (ATM target would get a fresh/new timestamp)
that's fine for datestamp
Oh and concerning this issue:
- Dialog for Existing files. I could skip this by implenting a "is Source newer than Target" or simply adding a number in filename if you like.
A tick box to "overwrite destination file if source file is larger" would be nice otherwise presently I let the windows let me decide thingy come up and I decide on each file sometimes keeping a different file extension but most times replacing the destination file if the new one is larger.
The ability to change destinations is awesome as I might add another hard drive or split up one of the folders in the future.
What I do now on my NAS is split a folder when the number of files in each folder gets too large for viewing on a couple screens.
aka: when it gets over 90
Plus every time a hard drive gets full I add another drive and move some of the folders from the above and below drives to the new empty drive.
(NAS currently has 12 drives can physically hold 16 max.)
ASAP i upload my initial "one file copy demonstration" for testing purposes, i wait for a reply from administrator. (i have upload problems, Website timeout issue)
Right now i must start from scratch the copy process to a new UAC friendly version, about 70% done.
Then the main part starts, the Rule-Editor.... i have many design ideas, i must be sure that everything works well together, needs alot of checking, very critical part this is!
The final product should be a complete copy-station, with or without rules.
Thank you for answering but as you could see on snapshot i include every critical part per checkbox so user always have a bit control over what should be done in wich way.
If you miss more options, just tell and i try to add if possible.
Fileexists Dialog will contain:
- Source Timestamp & Size
- Target Timestamp & Size
Combobox Options with
- Overwrite
- Overwrite older/newer
- Overwrite smaller/bigger
- Apply to all
Awesome like what I see so far!!
The basic rule of the first 2-3 characters of each file/folder name dictate exactly where the file/folder is to be moved on the NAS never changes.
Only the actual name of each folder and the number and size of drives on the NAS can change.
This is to allow for future expansion as each folder/drive becomes too full.
which brings up another point... if the actual destination folder names do NOT agree with the present rule set there should be a warning or a way to verify/check for ruleset NAS folder agreement.
DANG!!! even better have a button which READS the NAS and makes up a rule set depending on the actual shares/folders on the destination itself???
or maybe the program automatically does this anyways and the folders/drives on the NAS can change at will and still sort/move the files correctly?
Awesome like what I see so far!!-Craig381 (June 23, 2018, 03:32 PM)
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Nice that you like it. Makes me happy!
This is to allow for future expansion as each folder/drive becomes too full.-Craig381 (June 23, 2018, 03:32 PM)
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The idea with my rule-set would be:
You set-up rules one time (as promised i include your set for example on how to)
The variable in this case is destination, for example:
Destination: \\\
a file named "EEanything.123" is current task,
rule-set will identify that it belongs to "ef\EA-EN" folder on \\\
if \\\ changes to \\\ it will use "ef\EA-EN" on it.
or any other sub-folder you enter at line "Destination" like "\\\somewhere else\"
than file "EEanything.123" would land in "\\\somewhere else\ef\EA-EN"
Source Folder-Names are not part of rule-set. Only Filenames. I might extend when filenames are done.
For now if "G:\Source\Eat me\a file.ext" would be found, rule-set should give "\\\a\AA-AF" as destination path.
DANG!!! even better have a button which READS the NAS and makes up a rule set depending on the actual shares/folders on the destination itself???-Craig381 (June 23, 2018, 03:32 PM)
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I have to think about this and its possibility to include such.
>>"which brings up another point... if the actual destination folder names do NOT agree with the present rule set there should be a warning or a way to verify/check for ruleset NAS folder agreement."
ATM all what doesnt match with rule-set land in Destinations root or i skip them.... unsure but planned is that:
I will add later another Dialog showing all unmatched files to let user add either a rule or let you choose what to do. I havent really thought much yet about this because many main parts arent finished yet.
Excellent, subfolders within each current folder I previously listed are presently far and few between on the NAS anyways and I can always move them manually. (Not an initial requirement I just got greedy!!)
As far as the ruleset goes, I only change the folder names and add drives once every 3-4 months anyways so its all good!
thank you as this gui version will be way better/versatile than a hard coded/hard to change batch file that I was working on.
PS: doesnt match with rule-set files could have a tick box to skip them OR move to root of closest destination.
either way is fine by me.
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