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micro Tool contribution that list all connected Drives

<< < (2/4) > >>

Sorry, needed another Post #1 update, last time i hope :-[

*fixed another Integer<>Cardinal issue :'(
*removed 700kb Icon-Data :o
*added all missing Bustypes :(

Sorry, needed another Post #1 update, last time i hope :-[
-KodeZwerg (June 15, 2018, 04:30 AM)
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it's very good to see something being updated :Thmbsup:
look at mouser's software, he never stops updating the stuff :)

Aslong its useful to anyone i try "to give working code", for myself its just educational.
Feel free to use code in your own projects, you are welcome! (Delphi or compatible required)
One little fix needs to be done, if CDDRIVE has no Disc, the Display is wrong, rest should be final.
I dont know yet if i'll update it, seems unneccessary.
btw. if anyone find anything could be done better or a bug, i am open for such, just tell  :D

you have a few months to wait until its open.
-mouser (June 13, 2018, 02:31 AM)
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Requiring admin rights can be requested by including the proper manifest setting, without admin rights it now just throws an errormessage.


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