News and Reviews > Mini-Reviews by Members
Template for users wishing to write a mini-review
is it worth mentioning other similar software that the reviewer has tried and how it compares - or is that just part of the review anyway (or is that going beyond a mini-review)?
I think that goes beyond a mini-review, but what do you all think? A mini-review, to my understanding, covers the specific product and its features. In a review, you cover other products. I have no problem adding it thou if the masses agree :)
i think part of a mini review should include a discussion on how it compares to other similar programs the user has tried.
Added to the template. Any other suggestions?
yes, let me give you the list of additional things we came up with for reviews:
1) links to other reviews if you know any
2) trial version available? limitations?
3) support forum available?
4) upgrade policy/price?
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