News and Reviews > Mini-Reviews by Members
Template for users wishing to write a mini-review
This may be a daft question (well, no - there is no such thing as a stupid question, right? Repeat ten times), but is the Donate to Author section soliciting donatins for the REVIEW author or the DEVELOPER (if a DC member)? I'm 99% sure this is meant for the reveiwer, but just want to clarify...
This may be a daft question (well, no - there is no such thing as a stupid question, right? Repeat ten times), but is the Donate to Author section soliciting donatins for the REVIEW author or the DEVELOPER (if a DC member)? I'm 99% sure this is meant for the reveiwer, but just want to clarify...
-Darwin (September 08, 2007, 09:56 AM)
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I notice the template currently has:-
Author Donation LinkIf a DC member, include their link to donate to them. If a third party site which supports donations, include the link here. If not applicable, leave out
If this is a dc member, post the donation link in the format similar to this Donate to App103, the AuthorReviewer Donation LinkLink to your profile, in the format similar to this Donate to App103, the Authorit is a bit confusing cause both link to app103 :) "the Author"
but first is for software author if applicable,
second is for reviewer
Thanks tomos - I just noticed the same thing and came back here to edit my post heavily to avoid the egg on my face! Too late! :-[
why is there HTML in the user interface??
what are you thinking of? why isn't this a WYSIWYG interface?
wot, just because we are programmers we are unable to write in the usual manner?
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