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Compare folders with identical files, but .. different file names

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Have vainly been searching for a tool that compares folders that contain in fact the same files, but the files in one folders are renamed.
Meaning to say that hashes, date time stamp and sizes of the files are the same.

All compare tools take the file names into account, by design, there is no option to just compare based on MD5 or so.

I have two relatively big folders, with probably over 90% the same files (different names though), but the folder sizes are different and I would like to figure out what files are missing in the smaller folder.
The tool should therefore 'hide' identical files.

WinDiff, WinMerge, FreeFileSync, GoodSync, Beyond Compare, ExamDiff Pro: not possible.


I've done smth similar, many moons ago, and then found a PowerShell script that found me duplicates based on the hash, so finding non-dulicates seems trivial after that ;D
Didn't find the script I used back then, but this link should be what you want to find, IMHO.

xplorer² <> has offered this handy facility (compare CONTENT of two folders or filter panes) for ages. I use it quite often, and it works a treat. All the files matching the compare criteria are automatically selected so that they can be operated on easily.

I read that the compare process calculates and compares checksums. Checksums can also be dynamically auto-calculated and listed for files and displayed in a view pane column, which can be sorted for visual comparison of checksums. Since checksums take more CPU time/resource to calculate for larger files, the upper limit of file size for auto-calculating cheksums can be set by the user. This could make an appreciable time difference when comparing folders or filter panes containing thousands of files.

Example of content matching pane settings:

Dopus claims to do a byte comparison when syncing -- I've never used that, but just tried it:
Copied a file to a new folder and renamed
the sync is not recognising them as the same, and is prompting to copy over the original (again).

xplorer² <> has offered this handy facility (compare CONTENT of two folders or filter panes) for ages. I use it quite often, and it works a treat. All the files matching the compare criteria are automatically selected so that they can be operated on easily.
-IainB (May 19, 2018, 12:22 PM)
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I'm not clear from your description:
does it recognise that files are the same even if named differently?

Xyplorer does not appear to do this (but it not my default file manager, so I not 100% sure)


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