Software > LaunchBar Commander
LBC - Loop Send Keys
hi all,
is there any way to loop send keys
for example , I would like to loop the {DOWN} x 10
or else i have to type it out as above
I am trying to use the down arrow to go down in a menu
thank you
Hold down the down arrow key until the cursor gets to where you want. You don't need to keep pressing/depressing the arrow key.
Alternatively, If it's an LBC drop-down menu list, then just type the first letter of the name in the list (e.g., "S") and the cursor will jump to the first occurrence. Pressing "S" again will jump to the next line beginning with "S", etc.
Otherwise, you could use an AutoHotkey script, I suppose, but it would seem kinda pointless (forgive the pun).
slc is talking about the advanced SendKeys feature of LBC that lets you tell LBC to send some hotkeys to an app.
I don't think there is a way in the SendKeys syntax to do what you want; the best approach if you want to do more complicated sending of keys to target windows or other applications is maybe go grab AutoHotKey and instead of using SendKeys from LBC, have LBC run an ahk script that can do more complicated stuff.
I would like to loop the {DOWN} x 10
-slc7 (May 13, 2018, 06:00 AM)
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You could run my tool WinSendKeys, that is created in, and supports, the AutoIt3 syntax, like {DOWN 10} to repeat the {DOWN} keystroke 10 times (might need surrounding quotes when used on a command-line). It also has options to direct the keystrokes to a specific window or application, read keystrokes from a (script)file, execute mouse clicks and moves, and a whole plethora of related stuff.
Haven't tried myself to start it from LBC, as I'm not an LBC user, but it is designed for tasks like that.
slc is talking about the advanced SendKeys feature of LBC that lets you tell LBC to send some hotkeys to an app. ...
-mouser (February 11, 2019, 11:34 AM)
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OIC. That makes sense. I had completely misunderstood: "I am trying to use the down arrow to go down in a menu."
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