News and Reviews > Mini-Reviews by Members
Powerpro 4.3
(from the website...)
PowerPro lets you take control of how you use Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP. Run commands and configure your system any way you want.
PowerPro gives you a compact and powerful launch bar, menu, and tray icon facility. But this is just the start. With a little experimenting with its configuration, you'll find that you can use PowerPro to change the way you work with your system. The source of its power is the way PowerPro integrates three capabilities:
* Running commands: Tool bars, tray icons, hot keys, mouse actions, menus, timer, scheduler.
* Controlling other program's windows: Close, minimize, maximize, roll-up to caption, tray minimize, position.
* Providing utility functions: Send keystrokes to programs, run commands when windows first open, virtual desktops, clipboard extender, keyboard macros, shutdown, show all folder files in a menu, sounds, wallpaper, and screensaver activation and randomization.
--- End quote ---
That said, I must say PowerPro is the most powerful tool I have ever installed on a Windows box. I am always finding new ways to make it do something useful. Firefox changed the way I surf, Xplorer2 changed the way I file, but Powerpro changed the way I work with, play with and use Windows. Freeware.
Since this is a mini-review, 'nuff said
I forgot, since this is a review, I should include some caveats (not necessarily bugs)
*transparency functions and some plugins are 2K/XP only.
*because this little program does so much, the configuration gui is quite complex.
*some apps do not behave well when using virtual desktops (although this is true for most virtual desktop progs)
*some functions have unexpected side effects, as they override windows function for the same mouse-click/hotkey. For example:
--enabling "right click drag" is nice to be able to drag a window from any part of the window, but it overrides windows' context drag.
--configuring a menu to pop up on right-clicking the desktop (one of the nice things many alternative shells do...) overrides windows context menu on icons unless the icon is left-click selected first.
*the forum is a yahoo! group (that's not necessarily bad but I would prefer not...)
thanks edvard. also i think frogblast is the powerpro expert on this forum.. if he sees this maybe he can add some info; i know he swears by powerpro.
I've edited my review to include some caveats. PP is great but not perfect.
Frogblast? Anything to add?
Maybe Mini-Reviews needs a higher profile in the forum. It seems one level too low and is apparently overlooked more often than not?
i'm open to the idea - where should we put it?
bump it out to be a child of "Software Reviews and Recommendations"? (i.e. at same level as "Software in the Wild")
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