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Simone Giertz, Building bad robots, making videos, and coping with a brain tumor

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I think quite a few of you have seen the videos made by Simone Giertz.  She has gained fame by building small household robots that work to perform a task, but rather than expending huge efforts to make everything work perfectly, she basically settles for a first draft rough prototype experiment, and the results are funny, fun, and inspiring.  I think there is something we can all learn from her spirit -- and enjoying the pleasure of creating something that doesn't quite work.

Her very latest video has taken a sad turn though, as she posts about her discovery that she has a brain tumor.  She talks about her upcoming operation.

Some of her videos, including the last one:

Her very latest video has taken a sad turn though, as she posts about her discovery that she has a brain tumor.  She talks about her upcoming operation.
-mouser (May 01, 2018, 12:47 PM)
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It does seem a really sad turn, especially after seeing her in the other videos.  While she's serious, she does seem to be upbeat though, which will hopefully serve her well in the fight.

Wow, I had no idea. She's an amazing young lady and I'm hoping all goes well.

Just after getting an email about her giving a ted talk (still watching)

EDIT// that was really great fun. Have to admit I only watched the videos above after. Lots of genuine laugh out loud moments. Wishing her all the best.

She had her surgery at the end of May.

just got the lab results and the tumor was noncancerous! So big fricking cheers to us and to many years ahead 🧠✨-
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She's slowly getting better.

Sorry for the silence. I’m okay. Just not as okay as I’d like to be yet.

Simone Giertz, Building bad robots, making videos, and coping with a brain tumor-
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