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Some small Bugs i have.


When lbc window is highlighted/active it overlaps the round start menu button of win 7 a lil bit (it doesnt matter if "keep launchbars on top" is enabled or disabled).
On xp it draws before the opened startmenu.

On win7 It only shows tooltips/hints when lbc window is active.
On xp the tootltips are cutted at the border of the bar when window isn't active.

When i enable a secondary display it jumps to the secondary.

Hi thomaz.

I will try to check into the visual anomolies -- the stuff with the start menu button might be tricky for me to handle.. I normally keep it on the other side of the monitor.

But this problem troubles me:
When i enable a secondary display it jumps to the secondary.
--- End quote ---
This should not happen and seems very annoying.. I'm trying to think how it might be happening and how to fix it..


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