Software > Screenshot Captor
Cancel capture with right click? And a few other questions.
I'm switching over from PicPick and have a few questions.
1. Is there a way to cancel a "Selected Region" capture with right click? Having to reach up to Esc is a pain every time I want to change the capture region. First world problem, I know. But I capture a ton of images on a day to day basis and it slowly adds up.
2. Is there a way to have 2 separate hotkeys for whether we want to copy to clipboard or whether we want to save it? This is mostly the reason I switched, because I had to go into so many menus just to change whether I want to save to clipboard or if I want to save the file. Right now I have it so that each capture overwrites the previous one, so it works well enough. But for example I'd like to use Ctrl+Shift+A (my current hotkey) to only capture to the clipboard, and maybe Ctrl+Shift+S to capture to the clipboard and save the file. Any idea if this is possible?
3. Finally, does this program have a color picker? Sometimes I need to check the hex number or the RGB numbers of a color quickly. PicPick has this feature so I keep it running just for that, but it'd be nice to not have to run 2 different programs.
Welcome to the site GThreepwood.. A little Monkey Island reference?
1. Is there a way to cancel a "Selected Region" capture with right click?
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No, but that's a very good idea -- can't think of why not to add that.
2. Is there a way to have 2 separate hotkeys for whether we want to copy to clipboard or whether we want to save it?
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By default SC likes to always save captures, and that's what I recommend people think about getting used to.. And letting SC auto sort old screenshots into dated old folders (or delete them). You could also use the post-capture dialog and i think use some-alt shortcuts to tell it what you want to do after every capture without too many clicks.. But I'm open to hearing ideas.
3. Finally, does this program have a color picker? Sometimes I need to check the hex number or the RGB numbers of a color quickly.
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Under the tools menu, SC integrates with the free ColorCopt tool, which it installs in the Tools subdirectory. You could add other tools easily too.
ALSO, SC *always* shows the color under the cursor in the statusbar, near bottom right.
Welcome to the site GThreepwood.. A little Monkey Island reference?
-mouser (April 04, 2018, 04:07 PM)
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or maybe goes back to the P.G. Wodehouse books: Galahad Threepwoodw
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