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News and Reviews > Official Announcements

Fundraiser 2018 Discounts and Giveaways Discussion Thread

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 :) Maximum Happiness here and thank you for the great software.

Just one question - I noticed that the email contained a reference to
For help please directly contact: spam@XXXXXXUNREALLOOKINGEMAILXXXXX
which startled me, initially wondering if the email was real and legit. Can you provide some info what their role is in this?

For help please directly contact: spam@XXXXXXUNREALLOOKINGEMAILXXXXX
which startled me, initially wondering if the email was real and legit. Can you provide some info what their role is in this?
--- End quote ---

I agree that email address is startling.  But it happens to be the real email address of none other than our own dc member apankrat, the author of Bvckup2. Strange but true.

I'm not sure he will want his email address posted publicly so i'll edit it out of your post. 

I'm not sure there is any real way to "game" the optimizer, in any real sense.  I think the main lesson is to rate items accurately according to your preferences.  The one thing you could do if you wanted to maximize your chances of winning anything and didn't care about what you won, you would rate everything equally.  But who is so crazy to not care about what they win?

A common scenario is that there are a group of people who identify the most expensive items and rate them as their top items (and possibly rate nothing else); this means that for such prizes it's essentially a random draw between those people, with most winning nothing.

I have updated the result post to show all prizes and a sanitized (for privacy reasons) list of all winners.

If you truly like the software you won, it would be nice if you posted a little mini-review about it, as a way of saying thank you to the company that donated it for us to give away.


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