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News and Reviews > Official Announcements

Fundraiser 2018 Discounts and Giveaways Discussion Thread

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Well it tries to maximize overall happiness... About 200 people won nothing, so they share maximum unhappiness presumably..

Wow, I won something!  I never win!  (well... maybe I don't enter for many things...).  Anyway, thanks, mouser, and also wraith808 and Cranioscopical for working out the givaways and discount!  :-)
Thanks, DonationCoder!  :-)

Thanks Mouser and Camtasia. I must have died and gone to heaven. A great product!

My optimizer program ran for 5+ hours in its search for the best assignment of prizes to maximize happiness-mouser (April 11, 2018, 07:55 AM)
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I think that is a testament to how hard mouser tries to make everybody happy :-*. Thanks to DonationCoder and the people who made all this happen :Thmbsup:.

Well it tries to maximize overall happiness... About 200 people won nothing, so they share maximum unhappiness presumably..
-mouser (April 11, 2018, 08:57 AM)
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Indeed I was one of those 200.  :(
But at least I know it was a well throughout program and not lottery fixing which makes me a little less than maximum unhappy. XD


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