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Other Software > Found Deals and Discounts

WinX DVD Ripper V8.8.0 Easter giveaway

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For DVDs I still use RipIt4Me, the first program able to walk through the IFO files IIRC, which meant you could rip the whole disc, movie + menu, or just the movie and it would remove all the non-referenced VOBs, chapters, menu deadends, and whatever else they tried to do to obfuscate ripping.

For DVDs I still use RipIt4Me
-4wd (April 18, 2018, 12:04 AM)
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Here's irony for you:

Version (22 March 2007)

* Added an automatic updater. When a new version is available, RipIt4Me offers to download and install it for you. [...] This of course, will only work the next time we have an update.-
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There was never another update after that.

Here's irony for you:

Version (22 March 2007)

* Added an automatic updater. When a new version is available, RipIt4Me offers to download and install it for you. [...] This of course, will only work the next time we have an update.-
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There was never another update after that.
-Deozaan (April 18, 2018, 12:32 AM)
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It did its job too well, the MPAA had a Cease and Desist issued against him.

It did its job too well, the MPAA had a Cease and Desist issued against him.
-4wd (April 18, 2018, 07:52 AM)
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Yeah, I read about that. Still, the cat was out of the bag by then. Bother!


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