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Thread on 3d Printing Cody Model
This is hard!
Thread on 3d Printing Cody Model
It may not look like Cody but that's very cool... Now you've got me excited to think of something to use OpenSCAD for! I'm sure I'll think of something..
Nudone himself has started to explore the use of Blender in making a 3d cody.
Aryq maybe I could ask your eventual help in using OpenScad to make a coin base with some programmatic "text" on it, as the base of a customizable cody award?
Sure, I can look at that. Could you maybe draw a sketch of what you're thinking?
Edit: Also is there an "official" DC font?
I think Arial Bold is as close to an official font.
I actually searched for "customizable" tagged coins on thingiverse (Customizable i think means openscad models), and found a bunch: <-- this one even has text around the edge(!)
In our case I'm thinking like a 2-3 inch diameter coin "base" -- with cody sitting/standing on it (glued or pegged).
So actually the center of the coin won't be too visible I guess, since cody will be on it. But you could imagine curving at the top of the "coin" it could say DONATIONCODER.COM and curving at the bottom it would say some text that would change depending on the award, like "N.A.N.Y. 2020 AWARD" etc.
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