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How can i add text or a Jpg image to 'Explorer' pane , see Example Below

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How can i add text or a Jpg image to 'Explorer' pane , see Example Below
( I need a way of distinguishing all my 'Drives' when all open, gets confusing which is which ! )

I dont think that's possible.

There are two indicators of where you're at in terms of drives:

* the address bar -- as in your screenshot
* the tree in the left panel (cropped in your screenshot, shown below)
How can i add text or a Jpg image to 'Explorer' pane , see Example Below


I was thinking of Stick a Note by our member anandcoral, with a small note window showing the desired label (not a jpg though). It has some restrictions I just filed feature requests for.

I was thinking of Stick a Note by our member anandcoral, with a small note window showing the desired label (not a jpg though). It has some restrictions I just filed feature requests for.
-Ath (March 10, 2018, 03:18 AM)
--- End quote ---
Thanks for the Link ..I will give it a Try   :Thmbsup:


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